### Enhancements * Elixir Facet in Small IDEs * Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Elixir can set the Elixir Facet SDK for the Project Module used in Small IDEs as a per-project settings. * Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Elixir> SDKs can add, delete, and configure Elixir SDKs as per-application settings. * Preferences > Languages * Frameworks > Elixir > Internal SDKs can add, delete, and configure Erlang SDK for Elixir SDKs as per-application settings. * Configure SDK before running `mix` when importing mix projects, so that the `mix` path does not need to be configured separately from the SDK path. * The `mix` path no longer needs to be setup independently from the Elixir SDK. * Add Local shared `credo` inspection, so the the `credo` inspection works for Code > Code Cleanup. * Show Mix ExUnit in context menu in Elixir Facets, so that * Run 'Mix ExUnit ...' * Debug 'Mix ExUnit ...' * "Create "Mix ExUnit ...'" appear in Rubymine when you right-click the `test` directory and it is Marked as a Test Sources Root. It will appear green in Rubymine if already marked. To mark it, do the following: 1. Right-Click `test` directory 2. Select "Mark Directory as > Test Sources Root" ### Bug Fixes * Protect access to `JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()` so that it doesn't cause an error in Small IDEs where its Extension Point is not defined. * If the explanation tooltip is empty, fallback to the message for the credo annotator instead. * Check if `SdkAdditionalData` is `null` before getting `ErlangSDK` as it can be `null` in certain scenarios in Rubymine. * Fix `isConfigurationFromContext`, so that it works on Mix ExUnit Run Configurations generated from directories. Check if the `programParameters` and `workingDirectory` match by just generating another configuration from the context as this ensures the logic matches and includes support for `PsiDirectory`.