- Fix typo in settings form @Luiz* #160
- Replace deprecated ScalarIndexExtension usages in indexing process
- Support Blade includeWhen, includeFirst for template references #164#152#158#142
- Use new directory SLOT_DIRECTIVE and COMPONENT_DIRECTIVE for completion parameter pattern #167
- Provide indexer for all Blade include directives and use some new Blade apis #165
- Replace cost intensive template resolving on path visiting
- Convert Blade template file navigation to lazy target implementation
- Convert Blade template include navigation to lazy target implementation
- Config files matching refactored + tests added @Adel #169#166
- Fix "component" and "slot" navigation
- Provide directory navigation for Blade template strings
- Fix performance issue for Blade linemarkers: targets must be attached to leaf elements #161
- Provide references for assets #170
see full changelog |Donate