version history
- some bugfixes concerning reading the module structure
- support for Idea 2017
- a more space efficient treemap algorithm
- some bugfixes concerning reading the module structure
- redesign of User Interface
- native integration into IntelliJ GUI
- Bugfix for Idea 2016.x that resulted in not finding any source files.
- Fix for bug that resulted in not finding any source files.
- bugfixes for IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1
- visual improvements
- less flickering during graph filtering
- two bugfixes
- new faster parsing implementation
- parsing java and groovy
- animation performance improvements
- bufixes
- improved rendering of associations
- bufix for favourite management
- bufixes for parsing Java 8 sources
- improved initial layout after loading
- favourite classes synchronized with Idea Favourites
- ability to export dependency model to JSON for further analysis
- bugfixes concerning the indexing of the code graph
- bugfixes concerning the indexing of the code graph
- star mode to filter only stared classes and their dependencies
- recognize changed classes
- info for on display actions
- bugfixes concerning the indexing of the code graph
- ready for Idea 13
- highlighting of changed classes
- bugfixes
- bugfix release
- improved rendering performance for large projects
- redesigned diagram creation dialog
- minor bugfixes
- several bugfixes
- improved diagram layout
- improved onscreen context information
- several bugfixes
- major performance improvements of animation
- onscreen context information of class currently in editor
- smaller footprint
- some type of references between classes are not reperesented (e.g. static functions)
- several bugfixes
- indexing of project and modules in backround mode
- full multi-project support
- highlighting of the class currently edited
- module dependencies visualized
- sometimes artifacts will appear when changing aggregation level
- in large projects animation may be slow
- some type of references between classes are not indexed
- visualize modules, packages and classes and their dependencies
- filter classes and packages
- highlight classes and packages
- analyze Java and Groovy source code
- 4 visualization aggregation levels: “Modules”, “Packages”, “Classes and Packages”, “Classes”
- force based animation of dependencies
- double click on classes to navigate to source code
- basic metrics of class and package structure