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News for Docker

<p>173.2605: </p><ul><li>IDEA-171370 - Docker: new UI for Docker Deployment Run configuration - separate config types</li><li>IDEA-174375 - Docker run configuration - support --build-arg's</li><li>IDEA-172716 - Docker - allow build-only Dockerfile run configurations</li><li>IDEA-174209 - Support custom dockerfile names</li><li>IDEA-154517 - Docker: support alternate names for compose yml</li><li>IDEA-170244 - Docker: provide completion and navigation for ADD instruction values</li></ul><p>3.0.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-171031 - Docker: provide completion inside docker-compose.yml files</li><li>IDEA-172464 - Dockerfile inspections</li><li>IDEA-170253 - Docker: Validate the number of arguments for instructions in the Dockerfile</li><li>IDEA-167262 - New interface for Docker, Execution, Deployment &gt; Docker page</li></ul><p>2.6.0: </p><ul><li>Switched to docker-java v3.0.10</li></ul><p>2.5.5: </p><ul><li>IDEA-172233 - Dockerfile: respect variables declared in ARG instructions</li><li>IDEA-170246 - Docker: Support HEALTHCHECK and SHELL commands</li><li>IDEA-172226 - Support multi-stages FROM AS syntax</li><li>IDEA-172464 - Dockerfile inspections</li></ul><p>2.5.4: </p><ul><li>IDEA-166774 - Allow to test/run Dockerfile with one click</li><li>IDEA-155575 - Allow to create a Container from the chosen Dockerfile from Project view</li></ul><p> </p><ul><li>IDEA-159881 Ignored .env file in docker compose</li><li>IDEA-167369 Jackson UnrecognizedPropertyExceptions when authenticating at Docker Registry</li><li>IDEA-169385 Docker: parser error for ENV declarations containing punctuation</li><li>IDEA-171013 Docker: Defining DOCKER_HOST env var to anything but URI renders Docker integration useless</li></ul><p>2.5.3: </p><ul><li>IDEA-168519 Editor support for Dockerfile variables</li><li>IDEA-152530 Docker api url is wrong for Linux</li><li>PY-23041 NPE is thrown on adding docker-compose interpreter if service description is empty</li><li>PY-22753 Throwing exception on parsing port string with envs inside fixed</li></ul><p>2.5.2: </p><ul><li>IDEA-152660 Docker Log console does not support ANSI color codes</li><li>IDEA-153202 Docker plugin - allow to hide stopped containers and untagged (none:none) images</li><li>IDEA-168191 red code shown for valid "||" operator in Dockerfile</li></ul><p>2.5.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-159223 Support direct connection via unix:// on Mac OS X</li></ul><p>2.4.1: </p><ul><li>Aligned with 2016.3</li><li>PY-21465 Switched to use Netty 4.1.5 to fix multiple problems</li><li>IDEA-152432 Docker plugin suggests using Dockerfile from libraries</li><li>IDEA-162047 Performance problem on startup from Dockerfile detection</li></ul><p>2.4.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-161514 Docker Deployment run configuration hangs</li><li>Allow to cancel pullImage() and exec() operations; more correct counting of total and current download sizes</li><li>IDEA-152971 - Docker: dedicate view is not created on first server registration until project is reopened</li><li>"Pipe closed" exception on reading container's stderr fixed</li><li>Merged with remote execution integrations:</li><ul><li>PY-20999 InvalidStateException on adding Python docker interpreter fixed</li><li>Stuck of the debugger on exiting a Python script fixed</li><li>Updating progress indicator status with stdout messages from running docker container</li><li>PY-20860 Built-ins aren't resolved for Docker remote interpreter</li><li>Docker remote run - use docker agent in remote language integrations</li><li>PY-20743 I have just upgraded and now python interpreter is not working for docker-compose</li><li>PY-20358 Reloading generated skeletons keeps on running</li><li>WEB-22719 Node remote interpreter: Docker: correct error message when server is not selected</li><li>PY-20358 Reloading generated skeletons keeps on running</li></ul></ul><p>2.3.3: </p><ul><li>Docker - more secure version of the warning suggested for IDEA-153973</li></ul><p>2.3.2: </p><ul><li>IDEA-153973 - show warning about socat-based workaround</li><li>DSGN-2940 - Create new Docker icons</li><li>improve error handling</li><li>IDEA-155582 - Docker. Error is displayed for "!" in the correct Dockerfile in the Editor.</li><li>IDEA-155150 - Dockerfile editor misidentifies $(...) as syntax error</li><li>IDEA-155508 - Docker. Error is displayed for the correct Dockerfile in the Editor.</li></ul><p>2.3.1: </p><ul><li>IDEA-153973 - Plugin: Docker fails to connect via unix:// on Mac OS X</li><li>IDEA-157736 - Deploying docker container fails because HostConfig was removed in docker v1.12</li><li>IDEA-155356 - Docker: Order containers and Images in the Docker View</li><li>IDEA-142322 - Add possibility to close attached console</li><li>IDEA-155340 - Docker: Add possibility to "inspect" for images - tab for image properties</li><li>IDEA-151199 - Docker: (on win / mac): Compute the local volume bindings considering virtual box path mapping</li></ul><p>2.3.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-153414 - Docker-compose Redeploy should rebuild before deploying</li><li>show existing mounts in volume bindings runtime editor</li><li>fixed IDEA-150433 - Dockerfile editor should recognize multiline quotes</li><li>IDEA-146876 - Docker: code style for Dockerfile</li><li>IDEA-148564 - New help pages for Docker available</li></ul><p>2.2.1: </p><ul><li>IDEA-155691 - Docker: attach fails for remote Docker with insecured HTTP access</li></ul><p>2.2.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-154430 - Docker Compose: scale action for services</li><li>IDEA-154429 - Docker Compose: start/stop action for services</li><li>IDEA-150970 - Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - show all container names in the Properties tab</li><li>fixed WEB-21233 ClassNotFoundException is thrown by Docker when any Remote Node.js interpreter is present</li></ul><p>2.1.5: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-146347 Docker Plugin fails to attach to container running on server bound to unix socket</li></ul><p>2.1.4: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-153513 Docker: terminals for Attach and Exec are broken</li></ul><p>2.1.3: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-153303 Docker Run/Debug window missing labels for inputs</li></ul><p>2.1.2: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-153214 Docker plug-in depends on SSH Remote Run which is not available in Community Edition</li></ul><p>2.1.1: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-153110 PhpStorm fails to open PHP Interpreter dialog</li></ul><p>2.1.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-137765 Support docker-compose - initial</li><li>IDEA-151921 Docker Compose: show composed services / containers in separate subtree in Docker view</li><li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - volume bindings tab</li><li>IDEA-151479 Don't show detected docker files from project libraries</li></ul><p>2.0.1.alpha: </p><ul><li>Docker Machine supported</li><li>IDEA-150969 Docker: replace utility subnodes in the docker tree with tabbed ui</li><li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - environment variables tab</li><li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - port bindings tab</li><li>fixed IDEA-151477 Dockerfile false negative syntax error message</li></ul><p>2.0.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-150968 Docker: provide Docker view separately from Application servers</li></ul><p>1.7.6: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-148830 Building Docker images takes forever in IDEA 15</li><li>OC-13026 Disable Docker plugin for AppCode until we will decide to include Deployment section in settings</li></ul><p>1.7.5: </p><ul><li>fixed IDEA-145814 Dockerfile synthax errors</li><li>Exec supported with Unix socket - see IDEA-146347</li><li>IDEA-137782 Docker: detect dockerfile and suggest to create run config</li></ul><p>1.7.4: </p><ul><li>IDEA-148572 Dockerfile editor: provide completions for keywords</li><li>IDEA-144536 Dockerfile in project root does not work with files in project root</li><li>IDEA-146993 Added validation for the colon in the 'Host path' field to the volume binding dialog</li><li>IDEA-138981 Disable ability "Show processes" for not running containers</li><li>IDEA-145812 Missing icon for dockerfile</li></ul><p>1.7.3: </p><ul><li>Exec session supports both input and output</li></ul><p>1.7.2: </p><ul><li>Dedicated application component for Docker Registry accounts</li><li>Allow to test connection to a Docker Registry</li><li>Pre-select registry of the image being pushed</li><li>Pull from Docker Hub by default</li><li>Fix: disable pull action for other clouds</li></ul><p>1.7.1: </p><ul><li>Supported pull and push to a Docker Registry</li><li>IDEA-146001 Docker: show details of the created container on successful deploy</li></ul><p>1.7.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-145858 Docker: improve status workflow in the Application Servers tool window</li><li>IDEA-145971 Docker: group containers and images under dedicated tree nodes in the Application Servers view</li></ul><p>1.6.1: </p><ul><li>IDEA 15 EAP build 143.116 supported</li></ul><p>1.6.0: </p><ul><li>Dockerfile language initial support</li><li>fixed IDEA-145630 Docker: deployment process interrupted if base image needs to be pulled</li></ul><p>1.5.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-145427 Docker: support full set of the options from Docker 1.21 remote api</li><li>IDEA-138992 Simplify converting options for command line docker util into json</li><li>provide existing container names in link creation dialog</li></ul><p>1.4.1: </p><ul><li>fixed several NPEs, see IDEA-145239, IDEA-145240, IDEA-145237</li></ul><p>1.4.0: </p><ul><li>IDEA-144399 Support for Docker Toolbox</li><li>IDEA-144850 Docker: run a command in a running container</li><li>IDEA-144983 Docker: improve UI for configuring container options</li><li>IDEA-145154 Docker: allow to configure links to other containers</li><li>IDEA-144612 Docker support: mount to volume current project</li></ul><p>1.3.1: </p><ul><li>Built with Java 6, notify Java 7 required</li></ul><p>1.3.0: </p><ul><li>Moved to IDEA 15</li><li>Added TTY support in console</li></ul><p>1.2.1: </p><ul><li>Fix: unable to build list of containers due null as a container name</li></ul><p>1.2.0: </p><ul><li>Provided console (bash) access to a running container</li></ul><p>1.1.0: </p><ul><li>Added possibility to configure a container for an existing image</li></ul>

News for Gherkin

News for OSGi

News for Performance Testing

News for Python Community Edition

News for Go

Fresh build of GoLand 2019.2 Early Access Program is available for download! Please visit https://www.jetbrains.com/go/nextversion/ to get the full overview of this version.

News for Go Template

News for Scala

News for Scala

News for Database Tools and SQL

News for Swift

News for Custom Postfix Templates

<h3>Version 2.10.8</h3><ul><li>Fixed dependencies.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.7</h3><ul><li>Fixed #139: Cannot use $ in template variables -&gt; escaping (\$) does not work.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.6</h3><ul><li>Fixed #160: NegativeArraySizeException on template expansion.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.5</h3><ul><li>Fixed text color of table in settings dialog.</li><li>Added hints in the settings dialog.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.4</h3><ul><li>Fixed a typo.</li><li>Updated plugin description.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.3</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #127: Edit Variable Popup in "live template" settings does not open.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.2</h3><ul><li>Added plugin icon.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.1</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #113: Completion doesn't work with non-empty string literals in PHP.</li><li>Fixed bug #115: Completion doesn't work if arg is nullable in PHP.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.10.0</h3><ul><li>Added support for basic Python types.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.9.2</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #118: Chains of postfix completions in PyCharm do not work.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.9.1</h3><ul><li>Minor bug fix in new Scala import function.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.9.0</h3><ul><li>Added function to add Scala imports using <code>[IMPORT fully.qualified.ClassName]</code>.</li><li>Improved colors in settings dialog for default theme.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.8.3</h3><ul><li>Fixed a compatibility problem with IDEA 2019.1 Go and Kotlin plugins.</li><li>Fixed an exception in the plugin initialization.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.8.2</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #97: Application of python templates failed.</li><li>Use always UTF-8 for template files.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.8.1</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #94.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.8.0</h3><ul><li>Added support for Go. Credits go to <a href="https://github.com/philipgriggs/">Philip Griggs</a> for implementing it.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.7.0</h3><ul><li>Added support for new Kotlin matching types: STRING_LITERAL, INT_LITERAL, FLOAT_LITERAL, CHAR_LITERAL.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.6.3</h3><ul><li>Underscores can be used in template names.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.6.2</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #85: NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/psi/PsiType in PHPStorm and PyCharm.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.6.1</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #84: NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/openapi/actionSystem/DataKeys.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.6.0</h3><ul><li>Added typed Groovy support.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.5.0</h3><ul><li>Added typed PHP support.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.4.0</h3><ul><li>Added untyped Rust support.</li><li>Added untyped Groovy support.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.3.1</h3><ul><li>Added compatibility to PHPStorm and PyCharm.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.3.0</h3><ul><li>Added untyped Python support.</li><li>Added untyped PHP support.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.2.0</h3><ul><li>Added typed SQL support.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.1.0</h3><ul><li>Made plugin compatible with IDEA 2018.3.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.7</h3><ul><li>Fixed a NullPointerException that occurred sometimes when opening a template file.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.6</h3><ul><li>Fixed that some templates had <i>[SKIP]</i> as template description.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.5</h3><ul><li>Added "Update now" button to settings dialog.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.4</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #78: IllegalStateException: @NotNull method de/endrullis/idea/postfixtemplates/language/CptUtil.getAbsoluteVirtualFile must not return null.</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.3</h3><ul><li>Added an option to skip the application of an postfix template for a given data type (just use "[SKIP]" as template code).</li></ul><h3>Version 2.0.2</h3><ul><li>You can now split your templates into multiple files.</li><li>You can import templates from URLs or local files and keep them automatically up-to-date.</li><li>Predefined web templates have been separated from user templates in order to allow smooth and effortless updates (no manually merging required anymore).</li><li>Sharing of templates is now much easier than before.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.8</h3><ul><li>Added new Java postfix templates: <code>.isEmpty</code>, <code>.isNotEmpty</code>, <code>.isBlank</code>, <code>.isNotBlank</code></li><li>Improved the Java postfix template <code>.reverse</code></li><li>Added 6 additional Java postfix templates for IDEA plugin developers.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.7</h3><ul><li>Added basic support for Dart (untyped templates only). Credits go to <a href="https://github.com/maksimr">Maksim Ryzhikov</a> for implementing it.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.6</h3><ul><li>Fixed bug #65: AssertionError in scratch files</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.5</h3><ul><li>Improved some templates: <code>.sout</code> and <code>.soutv</code></li><li>Added some templates: <code>.toFile</code>, <code>.toURL</code>, and <code>.run</code></li><li>Fixed bug #63 (NullPointerException in application of JavaScript templates).</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.4</h3><ul><li>Added new Java postfix templates: <code>.toOptional</code> and <code>.flatMap</code></li><li>Improved some Java postfix templates: <code>.toList</code> and <code>.toSet</code></li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.3</h3><ul><li>Added new Java postfix templates: <code>.for</code>, <code>.iter</code>, <code>.format</code>, <code>.stream</code>, and <code>.sout</code></li><li>Added new Scala postfix template: <code>.sout</code></li><li>Improved some predefined postfix templates.</li><li>Removed the default template suffix because of disadvantages in the ranking.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.2</h3><ul><li>Added a configurable template suffix to distinguish the templates of this plugin from the templates of IDEA and other plugins.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.1</h3><ul><li>Fixed that line breaks in template codes did not work anymore.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.8.0</h3><ul><li>New feature: Prepend or append "[USE_STATIC_IMPORTS]" to your Java template code to enable the use of static imports.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.7.0</h3><ul><li>New feature: Jump to template definition by pressing <i>Alt+Enter</i> and selecting <i>Edit ... template</i>.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.6</h3><ul><li>Fixed the bug that in IDEA 2018.1 only the first rule of each template takes effect.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.5</h3><ul><li>Fixed that Ctrl+S did not reload the templates when the template file is a symlink.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.4</h3><ul><li>Fixed the bug that templates with escape characters (e.g. "\"UTF-8\"") did not work as expected anymore.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.3</h3><ul><li>Made plugin compatible with IDEA 2018.1.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.2</h3><ul><li>Fixed that the dollar character ($) could not be used in template code.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.1</h3><ul><li>Added the predefined Java and Scala template .soutv</li></ul><h3>Version 1.6.0</h3><ul><li>Improved settings dialog: Added option to select one of the supported languages and to reset/merge your templates with the predefined ones.</li><li>Added more Java and Scala templates.</li><li>Restructured tools menu:<ul><li>Removed language specific menu items like "Open Java Templates".</li><li>Added menu item "Open Settings / Upgrade Templates".</li></ul></li></ul><h3>Version 1.5.1</h3><ul><li>Added some predefined Scala templates.</li><li>Fixed, improved and added some predefined Java templates</li></ul><h3>Version 1.5.0</h3><ul><li>Added full support for Scala (typed templates).</li></ul><h3>Version 1.4.1</h3><ul><li>Added basic support for Scala (untyped templates only).</li></ul><h3>Version 1.4.0</h3><ul><li>Added the matching types to allow special treatments of literals:<ul><li><code>NUMBER_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>BYTE_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>SHORT_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>CHAR_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>INT_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>LONG_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>FLOAT_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>DOUBLE_LITERAL</code></li><li><code>STRING_LITERAL</code></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Version 1.3.0</h3><ul><li>Added option to add class/library dependencies to templates rules. For instance <code>"".val</code> expands now to<ul><li><code>val s = "";</code> if Lombok is available, or to</li><li><code>final String s = "";</code> if Lombok is not available.</li></ul></li><li>Added 16 templates for IDEA developers to the predefined templates.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.2.3</h3><ul><li>Fixed #43: Could not use $ in default values of template variables.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.2.2</h3><ul><li>Improved code completion and error highlighting for JavaScript and Kotlin templates.</li><li>Added shortcut <i>Shift+Alt+P</i> to open the postfix templates of the current language.</li><li>Fixed #42: JavaScript and Kotlin postfix templates did not detect complete dot expressions.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.2.1</h3><ul><li>Added basic support for Kotlin (untyped templates only).</li></ul><h3>Version 1.2.0</h3><ul><li>Added JavaScript support.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.1.1</h3><ul><li>Changed plugin icon.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.1.0</h3><ul><li>Added matching type <code>CLASS</code> to detect class references.</li><li>Added postfix template <code>.new</code> which can be applied to class references.</li></ul><h3>Version 1.0.2</h3><ul><li>Fixed that templates could not be applied to partial expressions or method parameters.</li><li>Fixed that each template started with a dot in the completion dialog.</li><li>Fixed bug #33: Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only.</li></ul>

News for easy-javadoc

This plugin can help you complete the Chinese javadoc document quickly.<br> Support three type of javadoc: field, method and class.<br><a href="https://github.com/starcwang/easy_javadoc">easy-javadoc source code and document</a><br>

News for jGRASP

News for Mule 4 Runtime.

<h1>v2.0.4</h1><ul><li><p>Mule Runtime 4</p><ul><li>Xml Schema resolution</li><li>Xml autocompletion</li><li>Xml quick fix of schema location and namesapce</li></ul></li></ul><h1>v2.0.21</h1><ul><li><p>Mule Runtime 4</p><ul><li>Several fixes provided by javaduke</li></ul></li></ul>
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