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News for Dependently-Typed Lambda Calculus

0.9.0<br><ul><li>Suppress some methods in generated codes for RedPRL, reuse more</li><li>Generate file type factory and file creator</li><li>New language support: VitalyR, an untyped lambda calculus with normalization</li></ul> 0.8.3<br><ul><li>Many generation improvements by <a href="https://github.com/dandoh">Nhan Thai</a></li><li>Some (agda and generator) bug fixes by<a href="https://github.com/dandoh">Nhan Thai</a></li><li>Remove all bundled pngs</li><li>Keyword-based completion for Mini-TT and Vanilla Mini-TT</li></ul> 0.8.2<br><ul><li>Some bug fixes thanks to<a href="https://github.com/dandoh">Nhan Thai</a></li><li>The code generator now generates some Java, resulting smaller binary size</li></ul> 0.8.1<br><ul><li>Minimum supported platform version is now 191.7</li></ul> 0.8.0<br><ul><li>Parse and syntax highlight Narc files</li></ul> 0.7.2<br><ul><li>Support mlang's HIT syntax parsing</li><li>More highlighting rules for mlang</li></ul> 0.7.1<br><ul><li>Fix internal file template for mlang</li><li>Initial support for Narc</li></ul> 0.7.0<br><ul><li>Support Molikto's mlang as other languages (parsing, references, folding)</li><li>Voile completion contributor</li></ul> 0.6.2<br><ul><li>Update Voile syntax support to fit version 0.1.2 of the language</li></ul> 0.6.1<br><ul><li>Fix a warning mentioned in<a href="https://twitter.com/vitalyankh/status/1156575826827083776"> this twitter</a></li></ul> 0.6.0<br><ul><li>Support YaccTT on everything that CubicalTT supports</li><li>Don't disable HTML export for non-dtlc files</li></ul> 0.5.3<br><ul><li>Add <code>^</code> operator for Mini-TT because it might get added in the near future</li><li>Fix a bug in CubicalTT name resolution</li><li>Add "Export to Clickable HTML" action in tool window</li></ul> 0.5.2<br><ul><li>New syntax for Voile: record, product, <code>nocases</code> and "up" operator</li><li>Initial work on YaccTT: icons, file types, project configurations</li></ul> 0.5.1<br><ul><li>Voile code insight: parser, lexer, commenter, brace matcher, syntax highlighter, color settings page, reference resolving</li><li>Cleanup some files</li></ul> 0.5.0<br><ul><li>IntelliJ Platform 2019.2 compatibility</li><li>Tons of internal refactorings: generate more codes</li><li>CubicalTT folding</li></ul> 0.4.2<br><ul><li>Agda live templates, keyword-based completion</li><li>CubicalTT initial work: icons, file types, execution, parser, lexer, commenter, brace matcher, syntax highlighter, color settings page, annotator, stub indices (first time!), goto-symbol contributor, etc.</li></ul> 0.4.1<br><ul><li>Fix Agda parser bugs</li><li>Agda basic reference resolving (very dumb)</li></ul> 0.4.0<br><ul><li>Create a general Layout-sensitive parser framework</li><li>Agda layout-sensitive parser</li><li>Agda folding builder, semantic-based annotator</li></ul> 0.3.2<br><ul><li>RedPRL parameter scoping, reference resolving, annotator improvements</li><li>RedPRL color settings page, folding builder</li><li>Agda lexer/syntax highlighter/color settings page/string injection</li></ul> 0.3.1<br> Notice: RedPRL reference resolving is WIP.<br><ul><li>Redraw Vanilla Mini-TT and MLPolyR icons</li><li>Initial work on RedPRL: add icons, texts, project configurations, run configs, parser definition, commenter, completion, syntax highlighter, brace matcher, file template, etc..</li><li>Fix MLPolyR expression precedence</li><li>MLPolyR string injection</li><li>Live templates for MLPolyR and RedPRL</li><li>Unified live template providers</li></ul> 0.3.0<br><ul><li>Improve "New file" action by merging all actions into a group</li><li>Remove "version" setting for MLPolyR and Vanilla Mini-TT</li><li>Refactor code generation</li></ul> 0.2.4<br><ul><li>MLPolyR: highlight pattern and unresolved variables</li><li>Fix Mini-TT, MLPolyR parameter resolving</li><li>Keywords and labels completion for MLPolyR</li><li>MLPolyR function completion now has parameter hints</li><li>MLPolyR builtin function completion, folding builder, field/pattern syntax highlight</li></ul> 0.2.3<br><ul><li>MLPolyR color settings page and special highlights</li><li>MLPolyR symbol kind recognition, icons for completion</li></ul> 0.2.2<br><ul><li>Recognize MLPolyR files</li><li>Run MLPolyR files</li><li>Fix a null pointer exception in generated code</li><li>MLPolyR parsing, syntax highlighting, commenter, brace matcher, find usages provider, rename, goto definition, completion</li><li>Don't ignore case in jflex</li><li>Improve (Vanilla) Mini-TT resolving</li></ul> 0.2.1<br><ul><li>Advertise our own fork of Mini-TT</li><li>Run configuration producer for Vanilla Mini-TT and Agda</li><li>Fix Vanilla Mini-TT syntax</li></ul> 0.2.0<br><ul><li>Unicode symbol folding for Mini-TT and Vanilla Mini-TT</li></ul> 0.1.4<br><ul><li>Vanilla Mini-TT editing experience (completion, syntax highlight, color settings, goto definition, rename, find usages, commenter, brace matcher, live templates, etc.)</li><li>Show error for unresolved references for Mini-TT and Vanilla Mini-TT</li><li>New plugin icon</li></ul> 0.1.3<br><ul><li>Tons of internal refactorings</li><li>Running Voile code</li><li>Initial support for Vanilla Mini-TT (internally called ACore, which is short for "Agda Core")</li><li>Support resolving <code>const</code> declarations in Mini-TT</li></ul> 0.1.2<br><ul><li>Add website links in settings page</li><li>Add dark theme icons (which are white) for Agda</li><li>Goto declaration for Mini-TT</li><li>Completion (with types) for let/rec/prefix parameter/pi/sigma/lambda for Mini-TT</li><li>Rename for Mini-TT</li><li>Find usages for Mini-TT</li><li>Voile file recognition and creation</li><li>Running Agda code</li></ul> 0.1.1<br><ul><li>Agda file recognition and live templates</li><li>Agda compiler management</li><li>Better expansion selection for Mini-TT</li></ul> 0.1.0<br><ul><li>Merge with the OwO plugin</li><li>Syntax highlight, color settings page for Mini-TT</li><li>Commenter, brace matcher for Mini-TT</li></ul> 0.0.4<br><ul><li>Fix file creation</li><li>Settings page fix</li></ul> 0.0.2<br><ul><li>Update bright icon</li><li>Add project configuration</li><li>Add run configuration</li><li>Support code execution</li></ul> 0.0.1<br><ul><li>File icon, different for dark and bright themes</li><li>GitHub error reporter</li><li>Plugin icon</li></ul>

News for Translation

<ul><li>修复了导致在Android Studio上崩溃的一个致命错误</li><li>修复了忽略内容在一些特定的情况下会失效的问题</li><li>修复了重复显示每日单词对话框会导致界面异常的问题</li><li>一些功能增强与优化</li></ul><a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md"><b>Full Changelog History</b></a>

News for Azure DevOps

<br><ul><li>Fix a "teamProjectName is empty" error message when editing a workspace that has the root folder mapped into it (<a href="https://github.com/microsoft/azure-devops-intellij/issues/250">#250</a>)</li><li>Raise the required IntelliJ Platform version to 181 (IDEA 2018.1)</li></ul><br>

News for Cloud Code

<h2>Version 19.10.1 - Release Notes</h2><p>This release fixes several bugs and improves stability of the Cloud Code plugin. It also contains enhancements to the Kubernetes Cluster Browser, including the ability to view containers in your pods and stream logs from them.</p><h3>New Features</h3><ul><li>You can now drill down into your pods to view your containers. Stream logs directly from a running container.</li><li></li><li>New option to pin your Kubernetes deployments to whatever is set as your system-wide current context.</li><li></li><li>Copy Kubernetes resource names to the clipboard by right-clicking on a node in the Kubernetes Cluster Browser.</li><li>Refresh any Kubernetes resource individually to update its state.</li></ul><h3>Fixes</h3><ul><li>Fixes a NPE caused by Maven-aware code for displaying a notification suggesting Spring Cloud GCP for Spring projects using GCP APIs.</li><li>Fixes an issue where the Cloud Code dependency installer could be stuck in a broken state, blocking Kubernetes deployments and debugging.</li><li>Fixed an exception that could occur during LSP initialization due to invalid document listener state.</li></ul><h2>Version 19.9.2 - Release Notes</h2><h3>New Features</h3><p>Cloud Code's Kubernetes support is now in Beta! This release includes many new features for Kubernetes developers:</p><ul><li>Browse your Kubernetes clusters right from your IDE. View your pods, deployments, services and other resources. Stream logs and describe resources. View &gt; Tool Windows &gt; Kubernetes Explorer</li><li></li><li>Cloud Code will now automatically install key Kubernetes dependencies for you, including <a href="https://skaffold.dev/docs/">Skaffold</a> and <a href="https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/">Kubectl</a>, helping you get up and running quickly. Configure managed dependencies under Settings &gt; Cloud Code &gt; Kubernetes.</li><li></li><li>Enhanced editing support in all JetBrains IDEs for various configuration files such as Cloud Build, Kustomize, and Kubernetes. See errors highlighted in your config, and view quick documentation (see the <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/viewing-reference-information.html#inline-quick-documentation">help pages</a> for more details including how to enable docs on mouse move).</li><li></li><li>Cloud Code now comes with Kubernetes starter templates in Java, Python, Node.js, and Go to help you quickly get started. File &gt; New Project ... &gt; Cloud Code Kubernetes</li><li></li></ul><h3>Fixes</h3><ul><li>Cloud Code will now execute the Skaffold process from the directory containing the Skaffold configuration file, fixing relative path issues for multi-service projects.</li><li>Skaffold configuration files will now validate properly when the JetBrains Kubernetes plugin is also installed.</li></ul>

News for Locator Updater

Add support for idea version 2019.2

News for AttachMe

Add change notes here.<br><em>most HTML tags may be used</em>

News for Time Tracking

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