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News for Intellij Scala REPL for Pants

<br><b>0.1.3</b><ul><li> Support IDEA 2019.2 </li><li> bug fixes </li></ul><b>0.1.2</b><ul><li> Make res0, res1, res2, ..., resN show up in code completion. </li><li> Fix bug where multiple consoles running at the same caused old console statement to be executed in the newest console. </li><li> Fix NPE </li></ul><br>

News for Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ

<h3>3.29.0</h3><h4>Added</h4><ul><li>Support IntelliJ 2019.3 EAP</li><li>Add support for Windows Java SE web apps</li></ul><h4>Fixed</h4><ul><li>Improving the accessibility of IntelliJ plugin</li></ul><p>You may get the full change log <a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-tools-for-java/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md">here</a></p>

News for Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ

<h3>3.29.0</h3><h4>Added</h4><ul><li>Support IntelliJ 2019.3 EAP</li><li>Add support for Windows Java SE web apps</li></ul><h4>Fixed</h4><ul><li>Improving the accessibility of IntelliJ plugin</li></ul><p>You may get the full change log <a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-tools-for-java/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md">here</a></p>

News for Key Promoter X

<ul><li>Make compatible with 2019.3 EAP products</li><li>Fix display of Run and Debug actions which will from now not display the specific run configuration and therefore count all these as one entry (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/44">Issue 44</a>)</li><li>Fix regression where editor popup action won't show up (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/42">Issue 43</a>)</li><li>Add features that lets you snooze the KPX notifications (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/42">Issue 42</a>)</li><li>Add features that lets you turn off KPX in Presentation and Distraction Free Mode (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/39">Issue 39</a>)</li><li>Fix instances where the KPX would not recognize a mouse-click. See<a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-219133">this IDEA issue.</a></li><li>Fix wrong icon for actions without icon (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/37">Issue 37</a>)</li><li>Make Key Promoter X work on EAP versions like PhpStorm 2019.2</li><li>Increase minimum required IntelliJ version to get rid of deprecated code</li><li>"Do not show again" action dismisses the tip immediately (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/34">Issue 34</a>)</li><li>Increase possible settings for notification limits (<a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/30">Issue 30</a>)</li><li>Add plugin icon shown in the settings and the repository</li><li>New icons that better integrate into the UI</li><li>Implemented a setting to only show "Keyboard" shortcuts. This is default and can be adjusted.</li><li>Fixed exception <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/27">that occurred on closing Keymap dialog in 2018.3</a>.</li><li>Removed setting for maximum visible notifications. IDEA 2018.3 seems to restrict this itself.</li><li>Implemented feature-request: <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues/20#event-1720427835">Minimum count before notification</a></li><li>Fixed empty tool-window with several windows open</li><li>Fixed version range to make it work for EAP</li><li>Fixed null-action tip on tool-window title buttons</li><li>Fixed exception with wrong entries in the statistic</li><li>Should work on Android Studio now</li><li>Fixed re-appearing tips when custom shortcuts are used</li><li>Made tips for context menus more consistent</li><li>Fixed issue that would show suppressed shortcuts</li><li>Implemented "do not show again"</li><li>Tool-window updates automatically</li><li>Icons for the Key Promoter X</li><li>Tool-window shows now icons of the actions that were called</li><li>Better visualization of the statistics tool-window</li><li>Fixed bug to catch tool-window buttons successfully</li><li>Re-implemented the algorithm that catches button clicks and extracts their information</li><li>Change to internal notification system instead of an custom AWT window</li><li>Built for IntelliJ 2017.1.4</li></ul>

News for Rust

<a href="https://intellij-rust.github.io/2019/11/04/changelog-109.html"> https://intellij-rust.github.io/2019/11/04/changelog-109.html</a>

News for FormatFieldPyramid

<ul><li>v1.1 modify short key</li><li>v1.0 author daikai date 2019-11-02</li></ul> more details @see <a>https://github.com/dkwx/intellj-format-fields-plugin</a>

News for Rust

<a href="https://intellij-rust.github.io/2019/11/04/changelog-109.html"> https://intellij-rust.github.io/2019/11/04/changelog-109.html</a>

News for SoapUI Pro Functional Testing

News for Anka Build Cloud

News for EduTools

<b>3.1</b><ul><li>Correctly show task description in markdown format</li><li>Fix and speed up opening of some courses like Algorithmic Toolbox and Atomic Kotlin</li><li>Hide Gradle/sbt output in console when running learner's code</li><li>Stop playing of video task's sounds on project closing</li><li>C++: fix importing courses from Stepik</li><li>Rust: show expected/actual results in task description panel if test fails on <code>assert_eq</code> macro</li></ul><b>3.0</b><ul><li>C++ support for educators</li><li>Video support in Stepik courses</li><li>See and run submissions if you're authorized on Stepik</li><li>"Peek solution" button can be hidden for all tasks in a course</li><li>"Insert Shortcut" action for task descriptions in educator mode</li><li>Python: more detailed check output for syntax errors</li><li>Shortcut rendering fixes for markdown task description files</li><li>YAML configuration files for storing course structure in student mode</li><li>YAML code insight improvements and bug fixes</li><li>Stepik integration fixes</li><li>New Educator and Learner pictures in role selection dialog</li></ul><b>2.9</b><ul><li>Now it's possible to configure placeholder dependencies on placeholder creation</li><li>Code insight improvements for YAML configs:<ul><li>Non-existing elements are highlighted as errors</li><li>Non-existing elements (files, lessons etc) can be created right from their usage</li><li>Navigation to selected element from its usage</li><li>Completion showing available files, lessons etc in corresponding places in config files</li></ul></li><li>%IDE_NAME% in task description is automatically replaced with corresponding IDE name</li><li>Fixes related to Hyperskill</li></ul><b>2.8</b><ul><li>Python: unittest is now default for tests in python courses (old tests are still supported for existing courses)</li><li>Rust: Cargo workspaces are now used to speed up courses loading in student mode</li><li>Fixed issues related to YAML format</li></ul><b>2.7</b><ul><li>YAML configuration files for managing course structure in educator mode</li><li>Android courses use androidx libraries</li><li>It's no longer needed to specify author on new course creation (only when generating local course archive)</li><li>Multiple-choice tasks support for local courses (previously, only choice tasks from Stepik were supported)</li><li>Python: tests results can be viewed in Test View in educator mode</li><li>Improved performance of checking in Gradle-based courses</li><li>"Next" button always shown for "Theory" tasks</li></ul><b>2.6</b><ul><li>Plugin available in 2019.2</li><li>Support C++ courses from Stepik</li><li>Support Kotlin and Python projects from Hyperskill</li></ul><b>2.5</b><ul><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for Gradle-based courses</li><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for output based tasks</li><li>Improved template for default Java tasks</li><li>Promote sections for the large courses</li><li>Improved "Add placeholder dependency" dialog</li><li>Import stepik course by id dialog reworked</li><li>Placeholders rendering improved</li></ul><b>2.4</b><ul><li>Update Hyperskill projects action added</li><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for JavaScript</li><li>Added featured JavaScript course</li><li>Added featured Scala course (in Russian)</li><li>Added notification suggesting to login to Stepik for remote courses</li><li>'Reset task' asks a confirmation now</li><li>"Choose role" dialog is shown in Pycharm Edu and Idea Edu only</li></ul><b>2.3</b><ul><li>Added <a href="http://hyperskill.org">hyperskill.org</a> support</li><li>Added language levels for Java and Kotlin</li><li>CheckiO support improved</li><li>Added JavaScript support</li><li>Added Rust support</li><li>Improved highlighting for the code snippets in task description</li><li>Added font control to the task description</li></ul><b>2.2</b><ul><li>Fixed checker for stepik course tasks</li></ul><b>2.1</b><ul><li>Python and Javascript CheckIO support</li><li>Improved courses list loading speed</li><li>Fixed several Coursera-related issues</li><li>Show changed files for Stepik course imported from zip</li><li>Do not overwrite IDEA shortcuts</li></ul><b>2.0</b><ul><li>Support Coursera Kotlin course</li><li>Task description and check panel redesigned</li><li>Full support for Atomic Kotlin</li><li>Import local course is available on Welcome Screen</li><li>Hints for the task moved to the task description</li></ul><b>1.8</b><ul><li>Atomic Kotlin course preview</li><li>Action for updating additional files on Stepik</li><li>Update additional files in student projects</li><li>It's now possible to customize build.gradle and settings.gradle</li></ul><b>1.7</b><ul><li>Load solutions in background</li><li>Push single task to stepik</li><li>Support links to psi elements in task description (EDU-1222)</li><li>Do not load solutions if user wasn't enrolled to this course before</li><li>Improved notification about new courses</li><li>Improved course uploading to Stepik</li></ul><b>1.6</b><ul><li>Added Scala support</li></ul><b>1.5</b><ul><li>Answer placeholders improvements</li><li>Introduce placeholder dependencies</li><li>Introduce groups of lessons (sections)</li><li>'View as instructor' action from Browse courses dialog</li><li>Improve task description editing (open separate file)</li><li>Improve course update on students side</li></ul><b>1.4</b><ul><li>Studio 3.1 compatibility</li></ul><b>1.3</b><ul><li>Introduce Java courses</li><li>Local .png images are displayed in task description</li><li>Separate source and test directories for JVM based courses</li><li>Course progress moved to the Course tree view on the left</li><li>Support for markdown tables in task descriptions</li><li>Hints support markdown</li><li>Silent "Build" tool window while gradle project creation</li><li>Open first task automatically after opening course</li><li>Do not show standard "New Project" message if one project already opened</li><li>System font is used in task description panel</li><li>Allow to hide solved lessons</li><li>Allow referring IDE shortcuts in task descriptions</li></ul><b>1.2</b><ul><li>Added progress for subtasks</li><li>Fix for "failed to launch checking" error if course was open for a long time</li><li>Removed "posted from edu tools" comment from loaded solutions</li><li>Code colorized regarding default programming language for course instead of using only python</li><li>"Open on Stepik" link is not overlapping task description</li><li>Proper language is used in Create New Stepik Course dialog</li><li>Do not force showing tool window stripes</li><li>Fixed exception from Settings if no Kotlin project opened</li><li>Default score is set for every step in EduTools courses</li><li>Progress for theory is added</li><li>Save last archive location</li></ul><b>1.1</b><ul><li>Import Stepik Course action from Browse Courses</li><li>"Compare with Answer" action on Task Description panel</li><li>Courses verified by JetBrains are highlighted</li><li>Courses filtering by natural language</li><li>Tags in course descriptions can be clicked to filter courses</li><li>Subtasks are enabled for Kotlin courses</li></ul><b>1.0.2</b><ul><li>Your solutions and progress are now saved if you have been authorized on Stepik</li><li>Various fixes for educators</li></ul><b>1.0.1</b><ul><li>Kotlin Koans are now available in Android Studio 3.0</li><li>It's now possible to create courses for Kotlin in Android Studio 3.0</li><li>Course creation has been made easier in IntelliJ IDEA with new "Create New Course" dialog and <i>File-&gt;Course Creator-&gt;Create Course Preview</i> action</li><li>Your solutions and progress are now saved if you have been authorized on Stepik</li></ul>

News for EduTools

<b>3.1</b><ul><li>Correctly show task description in markdown format</li><li>Fix and speed up opening of some courses like Algorithmic Toolbox and Atomic Kotlin</li><li>Hide Gradle/sbt output in console when running learner's code</li><li>Stop playing of video task's sounds on project closing</li><li>C++: fix importing courses from Stepik</li><li>Rust: show expected/actual results in task description panel if test fails on <code>assert_eq</code> macro</li></ul><b>3.0</b><ul><li>C++ support for educators</li><li>Video support in Stepik courses</li><li>See and run submissions if you're authorized on Stepik</li><li>"Peek solution" button can be hidden for all tasks in a course</li><li>"Insert Shortcut" action for task descriptions in educator mode</li><li>Python: more detailed check output for syntax errors</li><li>Shortcut rendering fixes for markdown task description files</li><li>YAML configuration files for storing course structure in student mode</li><li>YAML code insight improvements and bug fixes</li><li>Stepik integration fixes</li><li>New Educator and Learner pictures in role selection dialog</li></ul><b>2.9</b><ul><li>Now it's possible to configure placeholder dependencies on placeholder creation</li><li>Code insight improvements for YAML configs:<ul><li>Non-existing elements are highlighted as errors</li><li>Non-existing elements (files, lessons etc) can be created right from their usage</li><li>Navigation to selected element from its usage</li><li>Completion showing available files, lessons etc in corresponding places in config files</li></ul></li><li>%IDE_NAME% in task description is automatically replaced with corresponding IDE name</li><li>Fixes related to Hyperskill</li></ul><b>2.8</b><ul><li>Python: unittest is now default for tests in python courses (old tests are still supported for existing courses)</li><li>Rust: Cargo workspaces are now used to speed up courses loading in student mode</li><li>Fixed issues related to YAML format</li></ul><b>2.7</b><ul><li>YAML configuration files for managing course structure in educator mode</li><li>Android courses use androidx libraries</li><li>It's no longer needed to specify author on new course creation (only when generating local course archive)</li><li>Multiple-choice tasks support for local courses (previously, only choice tasks from Stepik were supported)</li><li>Python: tests results can be viewed in Test View in educator mode</li><li>Improved performance of checking in Gradle-based courses</li><li>"Next" button always shown for "Theory" tasks</li></ul><b>2.6</b><ul><li>Plugin available in 2019.2</li><li>Support C++ courses from Stepik</li><li>Support Kotlin and Python projects from Hyperskill</li></ul><b>2.5</b><ul><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for Gradle-based courses</li><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for output based tasks</li><li>Improved template for default Java tasks</li><li>Promote sections for the large courses</li><li>Improved "Add placeholder dependency" dialog</li><li>Import stepik course by id dialog reworked</li><li>Placeholders rendering improved</li></ul><b>2.4</b><ul><li>Update Hyperskill projects action added</li><li>Improved Expected/Actual output in task description for JavaScript</li><li>Added featured JavaScript course</li><li>Added featured Scala course (in Russian)</li><li>Added notification suggesting to login to Stepik for remote courses</li><li>'Reset task' asks a confirmation now</li><li>"Choose role" dialog is shown in Pycharm Edu and Idea Edu only</li></ul><b>2.3</b><ul><li>Added <a href="http://hyperskill.org">hyperskill.org</a> support</li><li>Added language levels for Java and Kotlin</li><li>CheckiO support improved</li><li>Added JavaScript support</li><li>Added Rust support</li><li>Improved highlighting for the code snippets in task description</li><li>Added font control to the task description</li></ul><b>2.2</b><ul><li>Fixed checker for stepik course tasks</li></ul><b>2.1</b><ul><li>Python and Javascript CheckIO support</li><li>Improved courses list loading speed</li><li>Fixed several Coursera-related issues</li><li>Show changed files for Stepik course imported from zip</li><li>Do not overwrite IDEA shortcuts</li></ul><b>2.0</b><ul><li>Support Coursera Kotlin course</li><li>Task description and check panel redesigned</li><li>Full support for Atomic Kotlin</li><li>Import local course is available on Welcome Screen</li><li>Hints for the task moved to the task description</li></ul><b>1.8</b><ul><li>Atomic Kotlin course preview</li><li>Action for updating additional files on Stepik</li><li>Update additional files in student projects</li><li>It's now possible to customize build.gradle and settings.gradle</li></ul><b>1.7</b><ul><li>Load solutions in background</li><li>Push single task to stepik</li><li>Support links to psi elements in task description (EDU-1222)</li><li>Do not load solutions if user wasn't enrolled to this course before</li><li>Improved notification about new courses</li><li>Improved course uploading to Stepik</li></ul><b>1.6</b><ul><li>Added Scala support</li></ul><b>1.5</b><ul><li>Answer placeholders improvements</li><li>Introduce placeholder dependencies</li><li>Introduce groups of lessons (sections)</li><li>'View as instructor' action from Browse courses dialog</li><li>Improve task description editing (open separate file)</li><li>Improve course update on students side</li></ul><b>1.4</b><ul><li>Studio 3.1 compatibility</li></ul><b>1.3</b><ul><li>Introduce Java courses</li><li>Local .png images are displayed in task description</li><li>Separate source and test directories for JVM based courses</li><li>Course progress moved to the Course tree view on the left</li><li>Support for markdown tables in task descriptions</li><li>Hints support markdown</li><li>Silent "Build" tool window while gradle project creation</li><li>Open first task automatically after opening course</li><li>Do not show standard "New Project" message if one project already opened</li><li>System font is used in task description panel</li><li>Allow to hide solved lessons</li><li>Allow referring IDE shortcuts in task descriptions</li></ul><b>1.2</b><ul><li>Added progress for subtasks</li><li>Fix for "failed to launch checking" error if course was open for a long time</li><li>Removed "posted from edu tools" comment from loaded solutions</li><li>Code colorized regarding default programming language for course instead of using only python</li><li>"Open on Stepik" link is not overlapping task description</li><li>Proper language is used in Create New Stepik Course dialog</li><li>Do not force showing tool window stripes</li><li>Fixed exception from Settings if no Kotlin project opened</li><li>Default score is set for every step in EduTools courses</li><li>Progress for theory is added</li><li>Save last archive location</li></ul><b>1.1</b><ul><li>Import Stepik Course action from Browse Courses</li><li>"Compare with Answer" action on Task Description panel</li><li>Courses verified by JetBrains are highlighted</li><li>Courses filtering by natural language</li><li>Tags in course descriptions can be clicked to filter courses</li><li>Subtasks are enabled for Kotlin courses</li></ul><b>1.0.2</b><ul><li>Your solutions and progress are now saved if you have been authorized on Stepik</li><li>Various fixes for educators</li></ul><b>1.0.1</b><ul><li>Kotlin Koans are now available in Android Studio 3.0</li><li>It's now possible to create courses for Kotlin in Android Studio 3.0</li><li>Course creation has been made easier in IntelliJ IDEA with new "Create New Course" dialog and <i>File-&gt;Course Creator-&gt;Create Course Preview</i> action</li><li>Your solutions and progress are now saved if you have been authorized on Stepik</li></ul>

News for Android Etymon

News for Material Theme UI

<h1>Changelog</h1><h1>4.9.2</h1><ul><li>Fix issue with Table Header https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/1297</li><li>Fix issue with Solarized unknown colors looking like keywords</li><li>New icons: Test GO, Test Rust, Typedoc, yaml, webpack</li><li>Improve visibility of selected items in trees, lists and tables</li></ul><h1>4.9.1</h1><ul><li>New Java Additions: package, import, null, true, false</li><li>Fix unknown symbol color in Monokai Pro</li><li>Set Selection Color in lists as Tree Selection Color</li><li>Fix VCS Log current branch color</li></ul><h1>4.9.0</h1><ul><li>Rework color schemes, fixing inconsistencies and new keys taking color from the default schemes.</li><li>Affected: Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Groovy, TypeScript, Haml, CSS, Markdown, Python, Go, Ruby</li><li>Affected: Debugger, Diff and Merge, Unused, Hyperlinks, Code Lens, Tabs and Scrollbars</li><li>New Icons and Folder Icons: Cargo, codecov, codeowners, cypress, gridsome, netlify, pnpm, posthtml, riot, sapper, uml, v, vala, events folder, gulp folder, json folder, netlify folder, relay folder</li></ul><h1>4.8.0</h1><ul><li>Fix Breakpoint background color for Atom One Light Scheme</li><li>Update icons</li><li>Deprecate old code</li><li>Remove bundled fonts and Windows Titlebar</li><li>Fix JavaScript Global Variable Color</li><li>Remove opacity selection for foreground colors in custom theme</li><li>Replace call to analytics in the dispatch thread</li></ul><h1>4.7</h1><ul><li>Convert Analytics notification to simple notification</li><li>Changed Matched Brace effect from border to bold underscore</li><li>Performance Improvement by not calling urls in the main thread</li><li>Improve PHP Color Page Settings</li><li>Fix PHP Color Scheme</li><li>Fix Kotlin enums icon</li><li>Add Alert when enabling or changing Project Font Size</li><li>Possible fix for checkboxes in Scaled monitors</li></ul><h1>4.6</h1><ul><li>Restore the Tab Shadows</li><li>Support for 2019.3</li><li>Performance Improvements for Hollow folders</li></ul><h1>4.5</h1><ul><li>Fix issue with file colors not applied to tabs</li><li>Removed tab height hack and replace with proper implementation</li><li>Add new icons</li><li>Support EditorGroups plugin</li></ul><h1>4.4.5</h1><ul><li>Fix Transparent title bar on Windows</li><li>Fix accent mode transparency</li><li>Fix links color to take accent color again</li></ul><h1>4.4</h1><ul><li>Improve Accent Mode by allowing to choose a second accent color</li><li>Fix Tab Height becoming 0</li><li>Fix Tab Indicators not working</li><li>Fix Custom Theme persisted even after Cancel</li><li>Fix Custom Theme showing that something has changed when there wasn't</li></ul><h1>4.3</h1><ul><li>Fix Double Title Bar in FullScreen mode</li><li>Fix antialiasing in title bar</li><li>Set Themed Title Bar disabled by default and add alert</li><li>New File Icons:</li><li>edge, autoit, azure, bithound, blink, bucklescript, buildkite, certificate, commitlint, credits, history</li><li>graphcool, helm, istanbul, key, kivy, lib, livescript, markojs, mdx, merlin, mint, moonscript, mxml, nest</li><li>houdini, now, nunjucks, prisma, processing, restql, san, sequelize, swc, unity, velocity, vm, webassembly, webhint, wepy, yang</li><li>New Folder Icons:</li><li>ci, class, container, content, css, delta, dump, error, examples, flow, helper, modals, maps</li><li>pipe, prisma, private, stack, utils, vm</li></ul><h1>4.2.2</h1><ul><li>Detect Fullscreen and windows without title to not show the title bar</li><li>Allow double click to maximize the window again</li><li>Fix typo in MTAbstractTheme not taking the selection background color but the second background color</li></ul><h1>4.2.1</h1><ul><li>Restore Title bar again (experimental)</li><li>Fix Color schemes for Go</li><li>Add new UI icons</li></ul><h1>4.2</h1><ul><li>Remove "Themed Title Bar" for Mac OSXes with JRE 11 (follow up <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-219015">https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-219015</a>)</li><li>Fix File Colors not being applied to tabs</li><li>Fix "Show inherited members" having a gray color</li><li>Fix "Mark modified tabs with asterisk" to show the icon again</li><li>Replace global gray colors with theme colors</li><li>Darken up default file colors</li></ul><h1>4.1</h1><ul><li>Add <strong>animations</strong> when changing themes</li><li>New Feature: <strong>Accent Mode</strong></li><li>New Feature: <strong>PHP Additions</strong></li><li>Rename "Project View Decorators" with "Hollow Folders"</li><li>Extracted the option to <u>color directories</u> with the accent color</li><li>Add Manifest, Silverstripe and Slugignore icons</li><li>Remove the Scrollbars color scheme settings page</li><li>Restore the Themed Title bar</li></ul><h1>4.0.5</h1><ul><li>Fix fatal error with Commit view at start</li></ul><h1>4.0.4</h1><ul><li>Temporarily disable themed title bar until it is fixed in JDK11</li><li>Set Input fields border color the same color as buttons</li></ul><h1>4.0.3</h1><ul><li>Fix Javascript default colors for dark themes</li></ul><h1>4.0.2</h1><ul><li>Fix Tab height</li><li>Fix Status bar height</li><li>Add missing icons</li><li>Add SilverStripe support</li></ul><h1>4.0.0</h1><ul><li>Support for 2019.2</li><li>Removing the Tab Shadow option</li><li>Adding Github theme to wizard themes</li><li>Fix some Github colors</li></ul><h1>3.10.0</h1><ul><li>New theme: Github</li><li>Fix Kotlin icons (thanks @cyclic-dependency)</li><li>Partial support for 2019.2</li></ul><h1>3.9.4</h1><ul><li>Rebranding "Project View Decorators" to "Hollow directories" for more transparency</li><li>Added new icons and folder icons: 3D, GraphQL, Vuex, Svelte</li><li>Fixed some associations: .ecr, .gatsby, .vuex, .dockerfile, svg folder, validators folder, web folder</li><li>Add Custom Themes to the Look And Feel List</li><li>Remove Opacity from Custom Themes' background, foreground, accent and excluded colors</li><li>Other bug fixes</li></ul><h1>3.9.3</h1><ul><li>Adding a lot more Rider icons</li><li>Update Kotlin icon</li><li>Fix sponsor links</li></ul><h1>3.9.2</h1><ul><li>Introduced a new flow: Now themes are also available in the Look And Feel selector!!!</li><li>New icons: gitlab, lint-staged, semantic-release, commitlint, husky</li><li>Fix some icon associations: eslint config, prettier</li><li>Disable folder decorators on Rider</li></ul><h1>3.9.1</h1><ul><li><em>New</em>: Contextual tab positions: When setting a tab position, it depends on the position of the tab pane:</li><li>When selecting top, it becomes bottom if the tabs are at the bottom, and same for bottom</li><li>When selecting left, it becomes right if the tabs are at the right, and same for left</li><li>When selecting topless, it becomes bottomless when tabs are at the bottom</li><li>When selecting bottomless, it becomes topless when tabs are at the bottom</li><li>Others are unchanged</li><li>Fix selection background and matched brace for Solarized themes</li><li>Fix some bad file associations</li><li>Fix up theme colors for Atom One Light and Solarized Light</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/1192">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/1192</a></li><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/1179">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/1179</a></li><li>Other small fixes</li></ul><h1>3.9.0</h1><ul><li><strong>New</strong>: Reworked all color schemes for all different languages!!! Do not forget to reset the color scheme!</li><li><strong>New</strong>: Add <code>console</code> to JS Additions</li><li><strong>New</strong>: Theme Android Designer colors</li><li><strong>New</strong>: <em>Topless Tab Position</em> option</li><li><strong>Fix</strong>: Change color scheme upon saving settings</li><li>Add Scrollbar tracks colors to the color schemes</li><li>Fix Lighter Theme colors</li><li>Fix Gatsby config file association</li><li>Add new icons</li><li>Add some Rider Icons</li><li>Add <code>Webp</code> and <code>yvmrc</code> file associations</li><li>Fix screenshots sizes in Wizard</li><li>Fix weird pixel in horizontal tabs</li><li>Fix wrong shadow color</li><li>Update Theme keys</li></ul><h1>3.8.0</h1><ul><li><strong>New</strong>: A new button allowing to import and export custom themes!!!</li><li><strong>New</strong>: Custom Themes can now accept RGBA values, e.g. <strong>colors with opacity!</strong></li><li><strong>New</strong>: Default accent color (for the "Override accent color") and Excluded Files colors are now customizable in the Custom Theme settings!</li><li>Fix NavBar not applying the background image</li><li>Fix Icon alignment in buttons</li><li>More Markdown Navigator icons</li><li>Adding TailWindCSS icon association</li><li>Other bug fixes and improvements</li></ul><h1>3.7.0</h1><ul><li>Add a new setting: <strong>Tab Font Size</strong> to customize the tab font size</li><li>Fix the font size in trees</li><li>Replace highlighted commits with Tree Selection Color</li><li>Fix color scheme inconsistencies in Ruby</li><li>Add <em>Markdown Navigator</em> icons</li><li>Fix the <em>Disabled Material Theme</em> and remove the action</li><li>Fix the xStream warning</li><li>Add Pipfile and set NPM Package lock to the lock icon</li><li>Hide accent actions when <em>override accent</em> is enabled</li><li>Add missing icons</li></ul><h1>3.6.0</h1><ul><li>Add new icon sets: <em>Docker</em>, <em>Maven</em>, <em>Groovy</em>, <em>Sass</em>, <em>Markdown</em>, <em>Kotlin</em>, <em>UML</em>, <em>Web</em></li><li>Add <strong>Scrollbars</strong> section in <em>Color Scheme Settings</em> to paint the scrollbars according to the current color scheme</li><li>Add a new setting to disable the <strong>Code Additions</strong></li><li>Fix Scrollbars width in Mac</li><li>Add new File Colors</li></ul><h1>3.5.0</h1><ul><li>New Tab Highlight position: Bottomless</li><li>Add AOP and JavaScript/TypeScript icons and PSI icons</li><li>Refactor Accent scrollbars option</li><li>Fix old bug with wrong folder icons</li><li>Remove useless logging</li><li>Migration to 2019.1</li></ul><h1>3.4.1</h1><ul><li>Fix PSI Icons wrong sizes</li><li>Remove opacity for "grayForeground" resource</li><li>Add "Bottomless" tab position</li><li>Add "VERSION" file type</li></ul><h1>3.4.0</h1><ul><li>Add new setting: <strong>Material PSI Icons</strong>. Replaces the PSI Icons (class, interface, functions...) with Material Icons, inspired by Visual Studio Code.</li><li>Add new setting: <strong>Tab highlight position</strong>. Available options: Bottom, Top, Left, Right, Left-Right, Top-Bottom, Full and None</li><li>Refactor UI components a bit and introduced MTUI</li><li>Fix issue where "not inherited members" would not differ from regular members in the Structure Panel</li><li>Fix rare fatal error at start</li><li>Fix php icons showing the elephant instead of the PSI icon</li></ul><h1>3.3.0</h1><ul><li>Fix fatal error when deselecting Material Components</li><li>Change selection color to white for Dracula</li><li>Deprecate some functions</li><li>Add more directories: guard, providers, animations, grunt, icons, e2e, custom, rules, screens, storybook, stylus, syntax, security, meta-inf, fixtures, channels, concerns, support, features, fabricators, nyc, reviews</li><li>Add more files: ANTLR, brainfuck, cobol, delphi, eiffel, fortran, idris, io, j, lerna, postscript, prolog, racket, red, supercollider, scheme, terraform, test-react, turing, toml</li></ul><h1>3.2.0</h1><ul><li>NEW: <strong>Toggle Material UI Icons without restarting the IDE!</strong></li><li>Fix CLion colors in Monokai Pro</li><li>Remove Codepen icon</li><li>Remove TextArea borders when not editable</li><li>Fix FlameChart colors to use the theme's colors</li></ul><h1>3.1.0</h1><ul><li>Fix .ignore syntax highlighting</li><li>Add more padding to compact status bar</li><li>Add Dracula to Wizard</li><li>Add Compact Table Cells Action</li><li>Fix Atom One Light selection color</li><li>Fix Deep Ocean selection color</li><li>Set Search Fields as Material Text Fields</li><li>Set Search with history icon as an accent icon</li><li>Fix padding of editable table cells</li><li>Fix foreground of selected active tab in tool windows</li><li>Add border to text areas</li><li>Add property whether the config is in pristine state</li></ul><h1>3.0.0</h1><ul><li>Major refactor of the whole code</li><li>New theme: <strong>Dracula</strong>! (imported from my other repository)</li><li>New <em>Arrow Style</em>: <strong>Arrows</strong></li><li>New component <strong>Material Tabbed Panes</strong>. Working with Tab Options!</li><li>New folders: api, archive, constants, core, env, functions, generated, hook, job, keys, layouts, meta, notification, packages, posts, serverless, shared</li><li>Reworked notifications to be fully expanded!</li><li>Added some new <em>Accent Colors</em></li><li>Reworked <em>Arc Dark Theme</em> to be darker</li><li>Compact StatusBar is now also working for compact Tool Window Headers (need restart).</li><li>UI Icons now work in Rider! (work in progress)</li></ul><h1>2.10.6</h1><ul><li>Merge 2.9.6</li><li>Deprecate ParameterInfo hack</li></ul><h1>2.10.5</h1><ul><li>Merge 2.9.5</li></ul><h1>2.10.4</h1><ul><li>Merge 2.9.4</li></ul><h1>2.10.3</h1><ul><li>Merge 2.9.3</li><li>Add Caret Line Number color in color schemes</li><li>Increase menus padding</li><li>Deprecate obsolete patchers</li></ul><h1>2.10.2</h1><ul><li>New Setting: <strong>Tabs Shadow</strong></li><li>New Setting: <strong>Compact Menus</strong></li><li>Fix Folder icon to Open Folder Icon when Project View Decorators is enabled</li><li>Add missing icons and change some icons to better reflect their functionality</li><li>Add border and padding to Menus</li><li>2018.3 new theme properties, allowing to better theme up to now hard coded values:</li><li>Menu Border</li><li>Separator Border</li><li>Progress Bar</li><li>Code Style Tabs</li><li>Search Everywhere Highlight</li><li>New Welcome Screen</li><li>Active and inactive headers</li><li>Validation Tooltips</li><li>Help tooltips</li><li>Drag and drop projects in Welcome Screen</li><li>Search Everywhere active tab</li><li>Project View and Sidepanel borders</li><li>New Action to remove Wallpaper</li></ul><h1>2.10.0</h1><ul><li>Support 2018.3 EAP</li></ul><h1>2.9.6</h1><ul><li>Add new Color Scheme Settings Pages: JS Additions and TS Additions</li><li>this/super</li><li>var/let/const</li><li>debugger</li><li>function</li><li>null/undefined</li><li>import/export/require</li><li>public/private/protected</li><li>Add more folder decorations:</li><li>android</li><li>deploy/aws</li><li>ios (xcproject/xcworkspace/xcassets)</li><li>middleware/thunks</li><li>react-components</li><li>server/jobs/requests/sagas</li><li>colors/schemes/skins</li><li>helpers/utils/tools</li><li>pods</li><li>download</li><li>upload</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Disable Material Fonts feature (instead use the Registry as a workaround)</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Fix plugin when Material Theme option is disabled to allow having MT features on Darcula/IntelliJ</li><li>Merge Project View Decorators with Folder Decorators - with open versions of decorated folders</li></ul><h1>2.9.5</h1><ul><li><strike>Bundle Roboto fonts (named <em>Roboto Material</em>) with the plugin fixing the issue with scrambled fonts once and for all (currently disabled)</strike></li><li>Fix "Override fonts" not working</li><li>Add Folder Decorations to open folders</li><li>Refactor Material Components toggle to allow other features to work when disabled:</li><li>Padded Status Bar</li><li>Padded Dropdowns</li><li>Padded Table Cells</li><li>Arrow Styles</li><li>List Style Indicator</li></ul><h1>2.9.4</h1><ul><li>Add Accent Color Widget in Status bar</li><li>Add Http Client Icons</li><li>Update Solarized schemes</li><li>Fix Modified tab icon's accent</li><li>Fix Status Bar Color in Contrast Mode</li><li>Fix Suppressed Color for Monokai Pro</li><li>Fix error with missing icon</li><li>Add Jenkinsfile association</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Fix wrong icon associations</li></ul><h1>2.9.3</h1><ul><li>Add col icons for Database tools</li><li>Add RubyMine icons (RSpec, Rake and Zeus)</li><li>Change Monokai Pro Suppressed Color</li><li>Change color of warn notifications to brown</li><li>Fix Contrast status bar color</li><li>Fix loading fatal error in PHPStorm</li></ul><h1>2.9.2</h1><ul><li>Fix missing icons and change some icons to better reflect their functionality</li><li>Fix Folder icon to Open Folder Icon when Project View Decorators is enabled</li><li>Add setting for enabling/disabling Tab Shadow</li><li>2018.3 new theme properties, allowing to better theme up to now hard coded values:</li><li>Menu Border</li><li>Separator Border</li><li>Progress Bar</li><li>Code Style Tabs</li><li>Search Everywhere Highlight</li><li>New Welcome Screen</li><li>Active and inactive headers</li><li>Validation Tooltips</li><li>Help tooltips</li><li>Drag and drop projects in Welcome Screen</li><li>Search Everywhere active tab</li><li>Project View and Sidepanel borders</li></ul><h1>2.9.1</h1><ul><li>Fix missing icons and change some icons to better reflect their functionality</li></ul><h1>2.9.0</h1><h2>Features:</h2><ul><li>Completely refactor the Icon Replacements framework, allowing the plugin to be able to replace even icons from external plugins such as AppCode, Gradle or even custom plugins such as Markdown Navigator and the sort.</li><li><strong>Replaced all the icons to their SVG equivalent!</strong> (that was hard)</li><li>Also remade a lot of icons to better reflect Material Design</li><li>Added new <strong>file icons</strong>: Arduino, Assembly, Authors, Ballerina, Crystal, CSSMap, Dotjs, DTS, Favicon, Firebase, Flash, Gatsby, Gemfile, Po, JSMap, MJML, Nimble, Raml, Razor, Redux Actions/Stores/Reducers, Smarty, Solidity, Sonar, Stencil, Storybook, Wallaby</li><li>Added new <strong>folder icons</strong>: benchmarks, coverage, controllers, debug, excluded, expo, jinja, less, maven, messages, models, plugin, python, react, redux, routes, scripts, sublime, sync, tasks</li><li>Separate the <em>Material Icons</em> setting to <em>Material UI Icons</em> and <em>Material File Icons</em>.</li></ul><h2>Fixes:</h2><ul><li>Fixed Project View border color</li><li>Fixed <strong>Monokai Pro</strong> colors to better reflect the original theme</li><li>Removed <em>Material Monokai Pro</em></li><li>Added IDs to <code>plugin.xml</code> components and extensions</li></ul><h1>2.8.3</h1><ul><li>Improve Deep Ocean colors</li><li>Bold directories has been renamed to "styled directories" and an entry has been added to the Material File Colors</li><li>Swagger file association regex</li><li>Fix Statistics not being persisted when clicking "decline"</li><li>Fix #902</li></ul><h1>2.8.2</h1><ul><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/902">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/902</a></li><li>Replace <em>Bold Directories</em> option with <em>Styled directories</em>:<ul><li>This option also create a <em>Directories</em> entry inside <code>Material File Colors</code> section of the color scheme</li><li>This will allow you to style directories in the Project View however you want (currently only supports foreground, bold, italic and underscored effects)</li></ul></li><li>Improve Deep Ocean colors to look more like the VSC equivalent</li></ul><h1>2.8.1</h1><ul><li>Fix Monokai Pro color scheme</li><li>Fix Status bar not expanding on Windows</li><li>Added new UI icons (run anything, java ee, json, todo, collapse/expand)</li></ul><h1>2.8.0</h1><ul><li>Fix temporarily the OptionPane error until Jetbrains fixes it</li><li>Add new syntax theme: <strong>Monokai Pro</strong> based on the original Monokai Pro</li><li>Improve the Arc Dark Theme a bit</li><li>Fix Compact Statusbar in Windows</li></ul><h1>2.7.2</h1><ul><li>Set font for search field from the Default Font</li><li>Replace Segment by MixPanel for analytics</li><li>Fix second title bar on Windows</li><li>Set Wizard shown state in MTConfig instead of Properties</li><li>Refactor Color Schemes</li><li></li></ul><h1>2.7.1</h1><ul><li>Add a shadow to the Tabs</li><li>Fix default font in Mac when Material Fonts is disabled</li><li>Fix Themed Title bar option: setting the option in dark themes turns the Dark Window Headers too.</li><li>Refactor color schemes</li></ul><h1>2.7.0</h1><ul><li>New: <strong>Material Wizard</strong> to help users configure the plugin!</li><li>Fix Freeze issue (<a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/855">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/855</a>)</li><li>Fix Atom One Light notification color</li></ul><h1>2.6.1</h1><ul><li>Fix Atom One Light and Deep Ocean color schemes (Diff, Javascript and Comments)</li><li>Change Border color and Button color of Deep Ocean theme</li></ul><h1>2.6</h1><ul><li>New Themes: <strong>Atom One Light</strong> and <strong>Material Deep Ocean</strong></li><li>Add support for accent color and excluded files color in themes (and external themes)</li><li>Add option to override custom accent color with the theme's accent color</li><li>SVGify the theme icons</li></ul><h1>2.5</h1><ul><li>Return the <strong>"Theme Title Bar"</strong> option for macs... this time with fully theme support!</li><li>Add a new <strong>Selected Item Indicator Style</strong> for Project View</li><li>Add a new <strong>High Contrast mode</strong></li><li>Theme the new <strong>Plugins page</strong>! (note: this is still in beta)</li><li>Rewrote StatusBar component to correct all issues with the Status Bar (borders, compactness...)</li><li>Refactor MTThemeManager and MTLaf</li><li>Added new VCS Icons</li><li>Added more tests</li></ul><h1>2.4.2</h1><ul><li>Add <strong>Arc Theme</strong> color scheme</li><li>Fix folder color when Material Theme is disabled</li><li>Fix scrollbars when accent scrollbars is disabled</li><li>Fix Ugly tomcat icon</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Fix Atom One Dark console background color</li><li>Fix Font Size setting not applying</li><li>Fix error with prefs files</li><li>Fix monochrome filter not staying after saving options</li><li>Add new search everywhere resources</li></ul><h1>2.4.1</h1><ul><li>Add None Option to arrow styles</li><li>Remove Dark Title Bar setting for Macs (now available for all IDEs)</li><li>Fix contrast of disabled icons</li><li>Fix Sky accent action</li><li>Remove shadows on balloons</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Fix fatal error in older IDEs</li><li>Fix blurry arrow icons</li><li>Fix theme not being applied for some themes (notably custom)</li><li>Set Font Size HiDPI aware</li><li>Add missing options from the Settings search</li><li>Allow setting Material Theme options from Statusbar widget</li><li>Add multicaret icons</li></ul><h1></h1><ul><li>Add font size to be toggleable</li><li>Set Menlo as primary font for Lighter Schemes, and Fira Code for Darker schemes</li></ul><h1>2.4.0</h1><ul><li>Reworked the settings page to group options into tabs and allow changing theme from there</li><li>Setting for changing the font size of the Project View (needs restart)</li><li>Setting for disabling Material File Status Colors</li><li>Improve contrast of Lighter Theme</li><li>Improved a bit the Comboboxes to look like Material Design ones</li><li>Fix Tabbed Pane colors in Lighter Themes</li><li>Add analytics</li><li>Add TSX icon</li></ul><h1>2.3.3</h1><ul><li>This is a quick fix for 182.2757. This fixes critical issues introduced by the latest EAP. There could be other bugs though.</li></ul><h1>2.3.2</h1><ul><li>Fix error from plugin.svg icon not found</li><li>Fix preview icon similar to details icon</li></ul><h1>2.3.1 (alpha)</h1><ul><li><strong>NOTE: THIS IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE!</strong></li><li>This is a quick fix for MTComboBoxes to get back wide dropdowns.</li><li>This is not a final fixes since it doesn't display the paddings for some comboboxes (such as Color Scheme), even though it works after selecting another value. This will be investigated further in a next release.</li><li>This also brings the popup over the dropdown to imitate material design components. This is disabled by the Compact Dropdown settings though</li></ul><h1>2.3</h1><ul><li>Major overhaul of the icons: most icons have been converted to svg! Please note though:</li><li>I couldn't find the originals of some icons, so some icons are now different or with different colors (sorry JSON...)</li><li>Since this is a big update, there might be some further changes to those icons</li><li>I decided to keep some original icons made by Jetbrains (such as Minimize Tool Window)</li><li>Please open issues about icons that you find not suited for their purpose.</li><li>Set a default matched brace color in order to use <em>Current Scope highlight</em> (<a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/774">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/774</a>)</li><li>Fix bugs related to 2018.2 EAP (<a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/777">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/777</a>)</li></ul><h2>2.2.3</h2><ul><li>Theme Coding Style and Debugger tabs</li><li>Add angular.json association</li></ul><h2>2.2.2</h2><ul><li>Increase size of Material Arrows to 11x11</li><li>Fix Active Tab Highlight color to take accent color</li><li>Increase left padding of tree rows</li><li>Change color of primary buttons for Monokai theme</li><li>Set Autocomplete selected item background color when unfocused</li><li>Change notification colors (success, warn, error)</li></ul><h2>2.2.1</h2><ul><li>Theme border color of popups</li><li>Fix issue with SVG Viewer</li><li>Fix Decorated Folders</li><li>Fix Uppercase bold tabs</li><li>Fix MTNavBar memory leak</li><li>Fix Darcula/IntelliJ UIResources</li><li>Better Arrows visibility</li><li>Fix file colors not being set</li><li>Add more tests</li></ul><h2>2.2.0</h2><ul><li><strong>DataGrip</strong> Icons!</li><li>Solarized Dark and Light color schemes</li><li>Improve Lighter Theme contrast and texts</li><li>Improve file colors for Monokai and Solarized</li><li>Extract ActionButtons into their own component</li></ul><h2>2.1.7</h2><ul><li>Fix command line icons</li><li>Reenable Darcula components when Material Components are disabled</li><li>Apply monochrome filter on activate</li><li>Change "Modified on non active changelist" and "added on non-active changelist" colors</li></ul><h2>2.1.6</h2><ul><li>Improve Solarized Dark</li><li>Set arrows color the same as the folders color</li><li>PHP Icons</li><li>Python Icons</li><li>Fix undefined notification colors</li><li>Remove InternalDecorator hack until Jetbrains fix this</li></ul><h2>2.1.5</h2><ul><li>New Component: Material NavBar</li><li>Set folder associations just like <a href="https://github.com/PKief/vscode-material-icon-theme">Material Icons VSCode</a></li><li>Center not centered folder icons</li><li>Fix Action Combobox for Lighter Themes</li></ul><h2>2.1.4</h2><ul><li>Change background color of Solarized Light</li><li>Change foreground color of buttons in Light themes</li></ul><h2>2.1.3</h2><ul><li>Fix Background color for PHP code in some themes</li><li>Set the "splitter" color as a "secondaryBorder" resource (Fix #659)</li><li>Fix "Tree Selected Item" artifact</li></ul><h2>2.1.2</h2><ul><li>Revert issues with 2.1.1</li></ul><h2>2.1.1</h2><ul><li>Bug fixes and performance improvements</li></ul><h2>2.1.0</h2><p>FEATURES: - New Themes: <strong>Solarized Dark and Light</strong>!</p><p>FIXES: - Fix issue with Bundled Themes not being persisted - Set Arrows Color to be the same as the folder color - Add new darcula Button resources to the Abstract Theme</p><p>CHORE: - Rename "Inactive Resources" to "Button Resources"</p><h2>2.0.0</h2><p>FEATURES: - Complete rewrite of the Theming System! Now all themes inherit from the same parent class which defines which resources get which color. Maintaining themes will be a lot easier! - <strong>Plugin extension</strong> to allow plugin developers to add their own themes to the Material Theme plugin! It's still in beta but some examples will be available shortly. - The caret is now an <strong>accent color</strong> resource. - The Arrows Style applies now to menus as well - RubyMine icons for Ruby/Rails folders and actions.</p><p>FIXES: - Remove the "Button Highlight color" and "Caret" property from Custom Themes - Checkboxes and RadioButtons are now a bit better. - TabbedPanes and TextArea are now using the MaterialTheme namespace. - Fix the Black Line separating tool windows from the editor - Fix the search inside lists and menus - Improvements to the themes - Bug fixes and improvements.</p><p>Please note that this is a beta version, it is now entering the test phase and might contain bugs.</p><h2>1.8.2</h2><p>FEATURES: - Add Non-Project Files default color to the current theme's disabled color - New <strong>Material Toggle Button UI</strong> - Fix breadcrumb and parameter hint colors to their relevant theme colors - Add a specific accent color for each color scheme: - Oceanic: Teal - Darker: Orange - Lighter: Indigo - Palenight: Amethyst - Monokai: Lime - One Dark: Gold</p><p>FIXES: - Fix <strong>performance issues</strong> by removing unused code and refactoring <em>Monochrome Icons</em> - Fix tooltip colors</p><p>OTHER: - Installed Test framework</p><h2>1.8.1</h2><p>FEATURES: - Set Accent color to modified settings - Tool Window header color styles - Add browserslist icon - Add CNAME icon</p><p>FIXES: - Fix Monochrome Icons to cover the whole IDE - Fix TextField UI to include the magnifier for search fields - Fix Font in Text Fields to use the color scheme's font - Fix Action button radius - Brighten primary buttons to be more differentiable - Change React default icon</p><p>OTHER: - Add Acknowledgements in the documentation - Add new url for the documentation: &lt;www.material-theme.com&gt;</p><h2>1.8.0</h2><p>FEATURES: - Add different angular icons by type: service, component, directive, pipe and routing - Add postcssrc and postcssconfig icons - New feature: <strong>Compact Dropdowns</strong>. Reduce the size of dropdowns and their items. - New feature: <strong>Monochrome Icons</strong>. Now you can decide to have icons desaturated with the color of the current theme - New feature: <strong>Active tab highlighting</strong> for Lighter themes! - New feature: <strong>Tab Opacity</strong>: allow to customize the opacity of the coloring of inactive tabs. - New feature: <strong>Uppercase buttons</strong> - Theme dialog title color when inactive - Go to the documentation from the settings' help buttons</p><p>FIXES: - Fix Tooltips color - Fix Accent scrollbars on Mac - Replace many UI Icons for the nodes - Fix issues with Palenight theme - Fix and replace Option Button</p><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix Notifications</li><li>Fix tooltip colors</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix focus color on search boxes</li><li>Change debugger colors and tooltip colors</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/436">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/436</a></li></ul><h2>1.7.0</h2><ul><li>Upgrade to 2018.1</li><li>Fix checkboxes</li><li>Fix textfields</li><li>Fix comboboxes</li><li>Fix buttons</li></ul><h2>1.6.1</h2><ul><li>Angular icon associations for services, pipes, directives and routes</li><li>PostCss config associations</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/436">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/436</a></li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Change default option of title bar to false</li><li>Add more CLion icons</li><li>Fix background color of the "New Project" sidepanel</li><li>Alert when setting title bar</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix Dark Title bar option not applying on Windows</li><li>Fix theming not applying to menus</li><li>Clion icons</li><li>Fix RVM, NVM, cmd, README, Adobe Elements and InDesign associations</li></ul><h2>1.6.0</h2><ul><li>Fix <strong>Theme Switching requiring to restart the IDE</strong>. Now switching is becoming as easy as pie!</li><li>New feature: <strong>Windows Title Bar Theming</strong>.<ul><li><strong>Note</strong>: this changes the color of the title bar OS-wide, meaning that even after closing the IDE the color will still be set. (see <a href="https://www.howtogeek.com/222831/how-to-get-colored-window-title-bars-on-windows-10-instead-of-white/">https://www.howtogeek.com/222831/how-to-get-colored-window-title-bars-on-windows-10-instead-of-white/</a>) for setting it.</li></ul></li><li>Added more other file icons: Atom, Appveyor, Bean, Cabal, Compass, Doxygen, Dylib, Ghostscript, Github, Jquery, JS Minified, Makefile, Manpage, Nib, Godot, Openoffice, Patch, Phalcon, Redme</li><li>Fix the inactive selection background color in trees</li><li>Fix Status Bar Indicator height in HiDPi screens</li><li>Remove buggy Tool Window Header patch</li></ul><h2>1.5.4</h2><ul><li>Change color of unfocused tree elements</li><li>New file icons for: Autohotkey, API Blueprint, MACOSX, Jekyll, Mathematica, ReasonML, RestructuredText, Maven, ObjectiveC, Spring, Tomcat, Test Ruby and VHDL.</li><li>Try to fix issue with createResolvedStylesheet by loading the Darcula default properties</li></ul><h2>1.5.3</h2><ul><li>Custom Notification Colors for the Custom Themes</li><li>Change default colors of Notifications to Contrast Color</li><li>Revert the buggy fix of the Tool Window Header (also known as the ToolWindowHeader hack) and add a new action "Patch Tool Window Header" to approve the hack of the Window Header (<a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/548">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/548</a>)</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Better Buttons (closes <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/561">#561</a> and <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/562">#562</a>)</li></ul><h2>1.5.2</h2><ul><li>Add background theming for IdeFrame</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix Android studio errors</li></ul><h2>1.5.1</h2><ul><li>Add expand and collapse icons in ExpandableTexts</li><li>Add Closed icon folder variants for the selected theme</li></ul><h2>1.5.0</h2><ul><li>Improved Monokai Theme by inpirting from Monokai Pro</li><li>Material Monokai Pro color scheme</li><li>New icons for switching themes</li><li>Theme branches and tags from the VCS Log window</li><li>Fix issues with invalid stylesheets and border thickness, causing the settings to not load</li></ul><h2>1.4.7</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with out of bounds settings (<a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/552">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/552</a>)</li></ul><h2>1.4.6</h2><ul><li>Setting for changing font to Roboto and bigger font in project view</li><li>Actions for switching arrow style</li><li>Fix Dark Title bar setting</li></ul><h2>1.4.5</h2><ul><li>Added more UI Icons</li><li>Fix issue with arrows</li></ul><h2>1.4.4</h2><ul><li>Add new option to select the style of arrows in trees</li><li>Restore Bold directories</li><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/540">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/540</a> by setting a lighter selection background color on refactor</li></ul><h2>1.4.3</h2><ul><li>Add setting for Dark title bar</li><li>Set bigger font in Project View when not using Compact Sidebar or when Sidebar items height &gt; 28</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix Install Material Wallpaper action</li><li>Fix Custom Material Theme name</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Remove ToolWindowHeader active background color</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/493">https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/493</a></li></ul><h2>1.4.1</h2><ul><li>Replace close button</li></ul><h2>1.4.0</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with Android Studio loading</li><li>Typescript and Javascript decorators addition (for latest Webstorm only)</li><li>Add some more icons</li></ul><h2>1.3.9</h2><ul><li>Better File Status Colors by making use of Darcula/IntelliJ color scheme instead like VCS file colors</li></ul><h2>1.3.8</h2><ul><li>Use experimental feature to set dark title bar when using dark themes. Only works on latest EAP, but is planned for 2018.X</li></ul><h2>1.3.7</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with Android Studio</li></ul><h2>1.3.6</h2><ul><li>Remove Custom Wallpaper feature and instead use an action</li></ul><h2>1.3.5</h2><ul><li>Fix Search Everywhere in Windows 10</li></ul><h2>1.3.4</h2><ul><li>Fix combobox action style because of latest EAP</li></ul><h2>1.3.3</h2><ul><li>New action to install <strong>Material File Colors</strong> on demand instead of automatically at start</li></ul><h2>1.3.2</h2><ul><li>Fix Custom themes caret color</li><li>Fix Custom themes TabbedPane color</li><li>Fix Groovy and Scala comment color scheme</li><li>Feature: Compact Table Cells</li><li>Shut up error at Android Studio start (this disables the File Icons feature)</li><li>Allow setting custom tree indent between 0 and 10</li><li>Allow setting custom line height between 18 and 36</li><li>Fix: Bold directories will not set bold tabs</li><li>Fix issue with color schemes not being persisted</li></ul><h2>1.3.1</h2><ul><li>Fix and implement progress bars for older IDEs</li><li>Fix Markdown Navigator color scheme</li><li>Fix color scheme changing at start</li><li>Deprecating EAP :/</li></ul><h2>1.3.0</h2><ul><li>New option: <strong>Light Custom Theme</strong>: Use custom colors with IntelliJ Look and Feel. Used for Light themes.</li><li>Fix Custom Themes styling issues.</li><li>Change light themes notification colors.</li><li>Rename Material Default to <strong>Material Oceanic</strong></li><li>Automatically change color scheme when switching themes</li><li>Add alert to reset custom theme colors when switching Look and Feel</li><li>Change instance fields, static fields and properties colors from Red to White as it is confused with errors.</li><li>Add update notifications.</li></ul><h2>1.2.1</h2><ul><li>Fix issue #193</li></ul><h2>1.2.0</h2><ul><li>Add new UI Icons for Structure and Web Deployment sections</li><li>New feature: Accent Scrollbars</li><li>Changed Active Tab Highlight to display Tab File Colors if defined, at the cost of having a transparent overlay</li><li>Added Markdown navigator color scheme</li><li>Added Browse Word at Caret plugin colors</li><li>Improve File Colors performance by initializing colors statically (thanks @denofevil)</li><li>Set default ignored file colors to Brown</li><li>Set default scratch colors to default text</li></ul><h2>1.1.2</h2><ul><li>Atom One Dark Color Scheme</li></ul><h2>1.1.1</h2><ul><li>XCode Development file icons</li><li>Travis file icons</li></ul><h2>1.1.0</h2><ul><li>Adding Resharper Hint and Suggestion Colors, improved Unknown Variable color, Debugger Colors and Link Colors</li><li>Updated Lighter scheme default color to be like VSC Lighter Theme</li><li>Improved Lighter Theme Foreground Color</li><li>Fix annotations</li></ul><h2>1.0.2</h2><ul><li>Starting writing documentation</li><li>Optimization improvements</li></ul><h2>1.0.0</h2><ul><li>Release</li></ul><h2>0.12.0</h2><ul><li>New components: slider and radio buttons</li></ul><h2>0.11.0</h2><ul><li>Targeting 2017.3</li></ul><h2>0.10.6</h2><ul><li>Fix ComboboxAction and IdeaButtonLookAction in 2017.3</li><li>Set default color for "NOT CHANGED" file status</li><li>Set directories color from "Up to date" file status</li><li>Fix issue with Run Configurations</li><li>Fix Scratches Color in the tree</li></ul><h2>0.10.5</h2><ul><li>Bug fixes due to the passage to 2017.3</li></ul><h2>0.10.4</h2><ul><li>Fix Tabbed Pane color in Arc and One Dark</li><li>Fix background color of list selected items in One Dark</li><li>Add babelrc.json to babel icon association</li><li>Fix (hopefully) the NullPointerException due to not being recognized File Colors</li></ul><h2>0.10.3</h2><ul><li>Material One Dark Color Scheme</li></ul><h2>0.10.2</h2><ul><li>Atom One Dark Theme</li><li>Move icons outside of fileIcons for better "disable Material Icons"</li></ul><h2>0.10.1</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with module directories taking the default icon in PyCharm</li><li>Added icons for the theme switcher (thanks @halacoglu <a href="https://github.com/halacoglu/sublime-material-icon-pack">https://github.com/halacoglu/sublime-material-icon-pack</a>)</li><li>Rework MTWallpaper Component to fix remaining issues</li><li>Fix accents not being loaded with Material Theme disabled</li><li>Improve Arc Dark Theme</li></ul><h2>0.10.0 (alpha)</h2><ul><li>Two new themes: Monokai and Arc Dark</li><li>Custom Theme Support (alpha - please read README)</li></ul><h2>0.9.4</h2><ul><li>Improvements of Lighter Theme. Now Lighter Theme extends IntelliJ Look And Feel instead of Darcula.</li><li>Fix issues with No Material Theme that triggered some NPEs</li><li>Changed Tree foreground color for Lighter Theme</li><li>Added more UI Icons</li></ul><h2>0.9.3</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with projects open (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/145">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/145</a>)</li><li>Possibly fix issue with 100% CPU (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/143">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/143</a>)</li><li>Fix import icon size (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/147">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/147</a>)</li><li>Change deprecated color (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/151">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/151</a>)</li><li>Improve Disabled Material Theme</li></ul><h2>0.9.2</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with File colors for Psi Icons</li><li>Fix issue with CPU 100% usage</li><li>Fix issue with breakpoint icon size</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix issue with tool window icons in retina</li><li>Add more ui icons</li></ul><h2>0.9.1</h2><ul><li>Remove uppercase bold tabs as a default and fix issue with project settings persistence</li><li>Revert fix of debugger tab height as it breaks other tabs</li></ul><h2>0.9.0</h2><ul><li>Add custom accent color configuration</li><li>Add Uppercase bold tabs to look more like MDTabs</li><li>Add Compact Sidebar height configuration</li><li>Reduce minimal length of tabs to 18</li><li>Add a border to the editor when tabs placement is left or right</li><li>More UI Icons</li></ul><h2>0.8.1</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with Contrast action button not working</li><li>Fix issues with not themed popups</li><li>Add accent color to non-themed search bars</li><li>Add background color to search result</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix issue with custom file statuses not being colorable</li><li>Themed Material Combobox Action button</li></ul><h2>0.8.0</h2><ul><li>Fix Checkbox style in Material Components disabled</li><li>Allow customization of file status colors</li><li>Rewrite Wallpaper component to unset the wallpaper on exit</li><li>Fix height of debug tabs</li><li>More UI Icons</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Changed javascript instance member color</li><li>Changed javascript icon</li></ul><h2>0.7.3</h2><ul><li>Material Checkboxes</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix issue with file colors (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/105">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/105</a>)</li><li>Fix issue with line highlight accent (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/104">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/104</a>)</li></ul><h2>0.7.2</h2><ul><li>Convert old "Bold tabs option" into "bold directories"</li><li>Tree colors like the sublime theme</li><li>Selected Tree Line like in the Sublime Theme</li><li>Set opened folders with accent theme like in Sublime</li><li>Add PHP, Python and more General UI Icons</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Theme the VCS Log Merge and Own Commits</li><li>Better colors for selected Tool Window buttons</li></ul><h2>0.7.1</h2><ul><li>Fix Hide File Icons</li><li>Fix Objective C and Coffeescript colors</li><li>Set TabsHeight as scalable for High DPI</li><li>Removing bold tabs support</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Changing accent colors now update icons as well (needs close project)</li><li>VCS icons</li><li>Fix Status Indicator cut on Windows (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/89">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/89</a>)</li><li>Fix Project Icon as accent hoverable (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/88">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/88</a>)</li><li>Revert default font to 12px since it makes the text too big (blur is okay i guess)</li><li>Fix unreadable font (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/98">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/98</a>)</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Fix contrast mode not applying (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/84">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/84</a>)</li><li>Fix issues with Action buttons (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/93">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/93</a>)</li><li>Set Roboto default size to 14px (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/87">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/87</a>)</li><li>Fix Custom Tree Indent (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/92">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/92</a>)</li></ul><h2>0.7.0</h2><ul><li>Padded table rows</li><li>Material Design Number Inputs (with disabled support)</li><li>Material Design Dropdowns (Comboboxes)</li><li>Material Design Action Buttons Style</li><li>Add more transparency to Tree Selections</li><li>Support for Accent Colors!</li><li>More UI Icons</li><li>Fix Tool Window Issue (<a href="https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/82">https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/82</a>)</li></ul><h2></h2><ul><li>Disable PHP file association and instead make use of PHP Psi Icons</li></ul><h2>0.6.0</h2><ul><li>Fix issue with Merge branches window</li><li>Put Material Theme options under "Appearance"</li><li>Add Actions for Settings: Compact Sidebar, Compact Statusbar, Material Theme, Material Components, Material Icons, Status Bar Indicator and Project View Decorators</li><li>Add actions for Hide File Icons, Bigger Tabs and set actions as toggles</li><li>Themed Action UI Icons, General UI Icons and Debugger UI Icons</li><li>Refactor classes so we can make use of Actions.</li><li>Inserted Checkstyle and Copyright</li></ul><h2>0.5.3</h2><ul><li>Customizable status bar height</li><li>Replace Loader when opening big files with Material one</li><li>Make better colors for Memory Indicator for Darker, Lighter and Palenight</li><li>Fix issue with caret (#379)</li><li>Add docker compose yaml association (thanks @thaffenden)</li><li>Other fixes</li></ul><h2>0.5.2</h2><p>Fix many issues related to Lighter theme: - Breakpoint colors - Autocomplete - Tree colors - Notifications color - Progress bar - Memory indicator - Scrollbars - Also removed None theme since we can simply uncheck the option in the settings</p><h2>0.5.1</h2><p>Small update so I can have feedback about possible bugs - Material Headers (experimental)</p><h2>0.5.0</h2><p>This version is more focused on the UI: - Themed Scrollbars - Material Table Headers - Material Inputs (not applicable everywhere at the moment) - Material Passwords (with option of showing passwords) - Material Tabs - Add option to disable Material Theme only (leaving components, tabs and other options on) - Tab Height customizable - Notification colors - Custom Tree Indents - Better Dialog titles - More UI Icons - Bug fixes (and possibly improvements)</p><h2>0.4.4</h2><ul><li>Added remaining options to TopHitProvider</li><li>Tinted Icon implementation</li><li>Redesigned folders to suit the MT icons (though help is appreciated)</li><li>Added custom file colors (Scope)</li><li>Add theme changer to Quick Switch (Ctrl+~)</li><li>More UI Icons</li></ul><h1>0.4.3</h1><ul><li>Fix issue with Statusbar option not being saved</li><li>Add bigger file icons for original ones (sass, php, ruby...)</li><li>More file icons: Chef, Cucumber, EJS, Jinja, Freemarker, PHPunits, Typings, Visio, VS</li><li>Hide exceptions about IndexOutOfBounds</li><li>Show red icon for excluded open files</li><li>Remove old PSI icons to use IntelliJ's</li><li>Change pin icons (alpha)</li><li>Better icons for expand and collapse (alpha)</li><li>Fix bad associations</li></ul><h2>0.4.1</h2><ul><li>Change behavior of custom wallpaper to not disable the background if the user unchecks the option, allowing to set custom wallpaper with the IDE</li><li>Add Disable option for the current theme indicator in the status bar</li><li>Fix issue with SQLite icon</li><li>Theme notification popups</li><li>Add Indicator in Status Bar for current theme</li><li>Fix some filelist icons</li></ul><h2>0.4.0</h2><ul><li>A lot more file icons!</li><li>Fix partly syntax highlight for HOCON, Groovy, ERB, Scala, Kotlin and Hibernate</li><li>Fix issue with light color schemes not being saved</li><li>Fix issue with Background getting overriden</li><li>Fix issue with settings not being saved</li><li>Fix #92</li><li>Fix: Do not try to replace all icons, if an icon is not provided use Jetbrains one.</li><li>Refactor project: put the selected theme in the MTConfig + better folder structure</li><li>Add more icons: Access, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Audio, Video, Elm, Go, Hack, Julia, Pug, Kotlin, Maya, Markup, Premiere, Powershell, Rake, Riot, Stata, Sublime, Vim</li><li>Fix PHP + JS Code Schemes</li><li>New: Background image for empty IDE with customization available in options</li><li>New: Option to hide file icons in the Project View</li><li>New: Option to disable Material Icons</li><li>New: Option to disable Project View decorators</li><li>New: Option to select compact (and not compact) project view</li><li>New icons: Akka, Ada, Android</li><li>New UI Icons</li><li>Progress indicators</li><li>Set light version of contrast mode (though it needs to be in IntelliJ LAF)</li><li>Revert better contrast as it breaks theme switching :'(</li><li>Code coverage colors</li><li>Notification, Information and Documentation popups</li><li>Quick info theming</li><li>Parameter info theming</li><li>Smart completion theming</li><li>Documentation popup theming</li><li>Better contrast mode</li><li>Accent tab close button</li></ul><h2></h2><h3>Fixes</h3><ul><li>Fix association for Angular files</li><li>Fix tests</li></ul><h2></h2><p>Thanks to @mallowigi for taking the project to the next level. This is all him: - Code coverage colors - Notification, Information and Documentation popups - Fix Python Color schemes - Fix Go Color Schemes - New Python component to take the right file icon - Fix next occurence wrong icon - Restore accidently deleted edit icons - C and CPP color schemes - Add option to set bold tabs - Add toggle options to Search Everything - Change trees collapse and expand icons - Themed IDE icons: Checkout, Project Structure, Back, Forward, History, Up, Down, Step Into, Step Out, Compile, Jars, Library... - Other bug fixes and improvements - Fix button background not taking the full width - Themed Memory Indicator - Add .pcss file icon - Fix Console colors - Align text and menu colors with the original theme - Welcome Screen theming - Progress Bar theming - Striped tables theming - Remove some borders added by Darcula - Focused buttons are now distinguable - Paint new breadcrumbs - Restore plugin.xml icon - Make buttons stand out a bit more anyway - Fix Rider error - Fix Ruby Colors schemes - Add option in the settings to enable/disable the new buttons look - Fix issue with Font Scale on HiDPI screens - Put the active tab higlight on the left instead of the right when choosing Placement left. - Messages bundle for easy replacing texts - New Buttons! Now buttons look even more like the Sublime plugin! - Add simple implementation of disabling the Material Theme (only the colors) - Fix some colors again... - Some colors were lost during the last update. This update should fix them. - Fix custom font issue. - Fix issue with theme switcher when some parts of the UI do not update - (hopefully) fix font apply - Updated color schemes to reflect the Sublime plugin's color schemes - New option: <strong>Contrast mode</strong>. This will allow you to apply a higher contrasted Look and feel - Allow resetting the Active Tab settings with the default ones - Updated file status colors: modified, added, ignored, conflicts... - Replace the "asterisk" icon with an "*edit*" material icon - Set Open and closed folders according to open tabs (still buggy) - Now the active tab indicator is following the user's tabs placement settings! - Started creating settings for customizing the plugin. - Active tab indicator color - Active tab indicator thickness - Fixed issue with tabs in last EAP - Update file icons to use the latest icons from the original Sublime theme repository. - Added a new theme, the <strong>Palenight</strong> theme, that is a violet shade of the Default theme. - Prevent file icons from being assigned to classes, methods, etc. - #285 @mjdetullio - Separate psd icons from the images group - #292 @Freezystem - Set parent scheme for dark themes to Darcula - #289 @vsch - Load MT file icons before anything else - #292 @mallowigi - Fix font overriding - #279 @mallowigi - Context and menu lighter border - #281 - Add file association for <code>.yaml</code> files - #297 @thaffenden - Add Dart icon - #296 @seanjohnite - Add <code>htpasswd</code> to htaccess group - @Freezystem - Add icons for <code>package.json, gruntfile, gulpfile</code> and <code>webpack</code> - @mallowigi - Set better color for Parameter hints - @mallowigi</p><h2>0.2.3</h2><h3>Changed</h3><ul><li>Updated Gradle wrapper</li></ul><h3>Added</h3><ul><li>File icon: Rust <code>*.rs</code> - #240</li><li>File icon: ES/ES6 <code>*.es|*.es6</code> - #240</li></ul><h2>0.2.2</h2><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>Android Studio fix. #220</li><li>No need to override the application icons, so those are deleted.</li><li>Fixes UI icons for recent versions of platform. @mallowigi</li><li>Issue #258 fix crashes on Windows for IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3. @bulenkov</li><li>More sensible colors for diffs. @hypnoglow</li></ul><h2>0.2.1</h2><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>Hopefully a final fix for issue #205, IDEA-157843 and IDEA-156327</li></ul><h2>0.2.0</h2><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>Improved visibility for diffs on default color scheme. Thanks @marvhock - #208</li><li>Hopefully fixed issue #205, <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-157843">IDEA-157843</a> and <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-156327">IDEA-156327</a></li><li>Merged recent changes made to the platform</li></ul><h3>Added</h3><ul><li>SidePanel background color (Preferences)</li></ul><h2>0.1.9</h2><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>Fails to launch when using Darker or Lighter theme. Thanks @robertfreund - #187</li><li>Kotlin syntax highlighting - #153</li></ul><h3>Added</h3><ul><li>File icon: Kotlin - <code>*.kt</code></li><li>File icon: Liquid - Shopify templating language - <code>*.liquid</code></li><li>File icon: Lua - <code>*.lua</code></li><li>File icon: LICENSE files</li></ul><h2>0.1.8</h2><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>In some cases getVirtualFile() for psi elements can be null. Fixes #172, #175 - @anstarovoyt</li><li>Vertical tabs highlight - @Cyberdelia1987</li><li>Fixes an error which caused the plugin to misbehave in non-java ide's. See #177</li></ul><h3>Added</h3><ul><li>File icon: React <code>*.jsx</code> - #162</li><li>File icon: PHTML <code>*.phtml</code></li><li>File icon: Gradle <code>*.gradle</code> - #140</li><li>File icon: Text <code>*.txt</code></li></ul><h2>0.1.7</h2><h3>Added</h3><ul><li>This changelog</li><li>Identifier under caret - Error Stripe Mark</li></ul><h3>Changed</h3><ul><li>Don't grab blade files with PHP regex</li></ul><h3>Fixed</h3><ul><li>Fix issues with the color schemes.</li></ul>

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